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Open data

Decision documents and various materials related to open data are posted.


Under the Basic Act on the Advancement of Public and Private Sector Data Utilization (Act No. 103 of 2016), the national government and local public entities are required to engage in open data initiatives, which are expected to resolve various issues, revitalize the economy, and make administration more sophisticated and efficient through the promotion of public participation and public-private collaboration.

Update History (last 6 months)

Documents such as guidelines

1. Open Data Principles

(Decision by IT Headquarters and Public-Private Sector Data Utilization Promotion Strategy Council on May 30, 2017, revised on July 5, 2024)
Basic items of open data (definition, significance, rules of disclosure, etc.) are shown.

2. Public Data License

The Public Data License (version 1.0) is an improved version of the previous Government of Japan Standard Terms of Use (version 2.0), which used a template format (the template was rewritten and used by each Cabinet Office and Ministry) to a reference format (the common parts are referred to as they are without being rewritten, and only the unique parts of each organization are described). When applying the new Terms of Use, please use Public Data License instead of Government of Japan Standard Terms of Use.
(Decision by the Liaison Conference of Chief Information Officers (CIO) of the Cabinet Office and each Ministry on June 25, 2013, revised on July 5, 2024)

3. Local Government Handbook

We have published a guidebook that local governments can use as a reference when working on open data.

Data Portal Service (formerly Open Data Catalog Site)

The data portal service is a portal site that enables cross-sectional searches of open data published by administrative organizations.
* The service was renewed on March 31, 2023 and started as one of the functions of e-Gov. Along with the renewal, the name was changed from Open Data Catalog Site.

The Data Portal Service provides the following functions:

  • Full-text search function capable of searching even open data
  • Visualization of open data in charts and graphs
  • Communication function that enables sharing of opinions and requests for open data and examples of data utilization

Local governments that have implemented open data

It includes a list of local governments that have implemented open data initiatives.

If you are a local public entity that has newly started open data initiatives, please make sure to contact Digital Agency using the communication form below. After confirming this communication and the contents of the disclosure, we will reflect it as a local public entity that has already started open data initiatives. Alternatively, if there is an update to the information posted, such as the URL where open data is disclosed, please enter the latest information from this form.

List of Questionnaire Results and Responses on Open Data Initiatives for Local Governments

A list of the results and responses to the "Questionnaire on Open Data Initiatives for Local Governments" is available.

Quality indicators for Open Data initiatives (beta) and training materials

A flowchart diagnosis and initiative quality evaluation index was created for local governments to grasp the current status of initiatives and issues. Please use it to review open data initiatives.

Local Government Standard Open Datasets (official version)

This is a compilation of the data that the government recommends to be disclosed, and the rules and formats that should be followed in preparing the data.

Open Data 100

In order to serve as a reference for local residents considering open data initiatives, examples of open data utilization by various businesses and local governments, as well as their activities (such as noteworthy ongoing events and projects around the country), are published.

Open Data evangelist

In Digital Agency, experts with deep knowledge of open data are dispatched as "Open Data evangelist" to seminars and training sessions held by local governments.

Please use the form below to apply for a local government to which you wish to be dispatched. In principle, please apply at least one month in advance, as arrangements will need to be made for dispatch.

Open data support organization

In Digital Agency, the Open Data Support Groups (OD Supporters), which mainly support workshops, are selected and listed for the purpose of introducing support groups for the use of open data in each area.
Holding workshops, etc. If you are a local government that wishes to receive support, please contact each OD Supporter directly after filling out the specific details of your request in the support request form (Excel) below. Please note that it takes time to make adjustments, so in principle, please apply at least one month in advance.
Local governments that have received support from OD Supporters should report the implementation using the support completion report form below after implementation.
Additional OD Supporters will not be available until April 2023.

Related Information

Contact Information

For inquiries about Open Data, please use the following.