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This section introduces Digital Agency's policies and recent initiatives.


The 19th Digital Extraordinary Administrative Advisory Committee Working Group Meeting was held.

The agenda and materials of the 19th meeting of the Digital Extraordinary Administrative Advisory Committee Working Group held on March 28, 2023 are posted.

The fifth meeting of the Digital Agency Compliance Committee was held.

Material from the Digital Agency Compliance Committee's (5th) meeting held on March 22, 2023.

Minutes of the Data Strategy Promotion Working Group (6th) were posted

The minutes of the Data Strategy Promotion Working Group (6th) held on February 28, 2023 are posted.

The proceedings of the Digital Extraordinary Administrative Advisory Committee Working Group (15th to 18th meetings) were posted.

We have posted the minutes of the 15th to 18th meetings of the Digital Extraordinary Administrative Advisory Committee Working Group held on October 20, November 30, and December 7, 2022, and February 22, 2023.

Digital Extraordinary Administrative Advisory Committee Review Team of the Legal Affairs Office of the digitalization Working Group: Materials related to the establishment of the Review Team were posted.

Materials related to the establishment of the Digital Extraordinary Administrative Advisory Committee Study Team of the digitalization Working Group Legal Affairs Office were posted.

Digital Extraordinary Administrative Advisory Committee Working Group: Materials related to the establishment of the Working Group were posted.

Materials related to the establishment of the Digital Extraordinary Administrative Advisory Committee Working Group were posted.

Disaster risk management: "Services using digital technology in the disaster risk management field" was posted.

The "disaster risk management DX Service Map" (first edition) has been released as a tool to quickly search and easily obtain services using digital technology in the disaster risk management field.

The final report of the Digital Agency Information Systems procurement Reform Study Group was published.

We have compiled a report on the ideal way of information systems procurement by deriving the following discussion points from the Issue and recommendations on information systems procurement.

Summary of the proceedings of the Digital Agency Information Systems procurement Reform Study Meeting (7th) was posted.

This article outlines the proceedings of the Digital Agency Information Systems procurement Reform Review Meeting (7th) held on February 6, 2023.

Summary of the proceedings of the (1st) Review Meeting on the Operation of Character Requirements in local governments Information Systems

The outline of the proceedings of the Review Meeting on the Operation of Character Requirements in local governments Information Systems (1st) held on February 20, 2023 is posted.