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This section introduces Digital Agency's policies and recent initiatives.


The minutes of the Digital Extraordinary Administrative Advisory Committee (4th) were posted.

The minutes of the (4th) Digital Extraordinary Administrative Advisory Committee meeting held on June 3, 2022 are posted.

The minutes of the Study Group on the Ideal of the Digital Transportation Society (The 4th) were posted.

We have posted the minutes of the Study Group on the Ideal of a Digital Transportation Society (The 4th) held on May 27, 2022.

The 11th Promotion of DX Sub-Working Group Meeting was held to secure Trust.

The agenda and materials of the Trust Sub-Working Group (11th), which secured Promotion of DX, held on June 29, 2022, are posted.

Summary of the proceedings of the Trust Sub-Working Group (10th), which secured Promotion of DX, is posted.

We have posted the summary of the proceedings of the Trust Sub-Working Group (10th) held on May 20, 2022, which secured Promotion of DX.

The Eighth Technical Review Meeting was held.

The agenda and materials of the Technical Review Conference (8th) held on June 24, 2022 are posted.

Summary of the proceedings of the Senior Vice-Minister data connections Project Team (4th) on Information on dependents

This article outlines the proceedings of the Senior Vice-Minister of Information and data connections Project Team (4th) on dependents held on June 14, 2022.

The second meeting of the EBPM Promotion Committee was held.

This article contains the agenda and materials of the EBPM Promotion Committee (2nd) held on June 17, 2022.

The first Digital Agency Information Systems procurement Reform Study Meeting was held.

We have posted the agenda and materials of the Digital Agency Information Systems procurement Reform Review Meeting (the first meeting) to be held on June 21, 2022.

The Digital Agency Information Systems procurement Reform Study Meeting will be established.

In responding to diverse system development needs, we will consider a more flexible procurement, such as reviewing procurement processes and systems that are different from conventional systems.

The minutes of the 3rd Study Group on the Ideal of the Digital Transportation Society were posted.

We have posted the minutes of the Study Group on the Future of the Digital Transportation Society (Third) held on May 17, 2022.