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This section introduces Digital Agency's policies and recent initiatives.
The 4th meeting of the Working Group on Radical Improvement of Digital infrastructure in My Number System, the Central and Local Governments was held.
This article describes the proceedings and materials of the Working Group on Drastic Improvement of My Number System and Central and Local Digital infrastructure (the 4th) held on May 13, 2022.
The outline of the proceedings of the Promotion of DX Sub-Working Group (8th), which secured Trust, is posted.
We have posted the summary of the proceedings of the Trust Sub-Working Group (8th), which secured Promotion of DX, held on April 8, 2022.
The proceedings of the third meeting of the Digital Extraordinary Administrative Advisory Committee Working Group were posted.
Posted the proceedings of the third meeting of the Digital Extraordinary Administrative Advisory Committee Working Group held on February 22, 2022.
The second workshop on the digital transportation society was held.
We have posted the agenda and materials of the Study Group on the Future of the Digital Transportation Society (2nd) to be held on April 27, 2022.
The proceedings of the second meeting of the Digital Extraordinary Administrative Advisory Committee Working Group were posted.
We have posted the proceedings of the Digital Extraordinary Administrative Advisory Committee Working Group (second meeting) held on February 22, 2022.
The 9th Promotion of DX Sub-Working Group Meeting was held to secure Trust.
The agenda and materials of the Trust Sub-Working Group (9th), which secured Promotion of DX, held on April 25, 2022, are posted.
The 3rd Council for the Promotion of a Digital Society Executive Board Meeting was held.
The agenda and materials of the 3rd Council for the Promotion of a Digital Society Executive Meeting held on April 20, 2022 are posted.
The 8th Digital Extraordinary Administrative Advisory Committee Working Group Meeting was held.
The agenda and materials of the Digital Extraordinary Administrative Advisory Committee Working Group (8th meeting) held on April 20, 2022 are posted.
Summary of the proceedings of the Sub-Working Group on implementation of Rules for Data Handling in the Platform (2nd) is posted.
This article outlines the proceedings of the Sub-Working Group on implementation of Rules for Data Handling on the Platform (the second meeting) held on February 14, 2022.
The summary of the proceedings of the Trust Sub-Working Group (7th), which secured Promotion of DX, was posted.
We have posted the summary of the proceedings of the Trust Sub-Working Group (7th) held on March 22, 2022, which secured Promotion of DX.