Data Strategy Promotion Working Group (2nd)
- Last Updated:
- Date and Time: Thursday, December 2, 2021 (2021) from 10:00 to 11:30
- Location: Online
- Agenda:
- Opening
- Proceedings
- Directions for Considering Comprehensive Data Strategies
- Status of consideration of data-handling rule implementation
- Status of examination of semi-public sector / mutual cooperation fields and inter-field cooperation bases
- Exchange of opinions
- Adjournment
- Agenda (PDF/56KB)
- Exhibit 1: Directions for the consideration of a comprehensive data strategy (PDF / 3,887 kb)
- Material 2: Report on implementation Guidance ver. 1.0 (draft) on data-handling rules in the platform (PF) (PDF / 1,298 KB)
- Appendix 3: Status of Study on semi-public sector and Mutual Cooperation Fields and Inter-Field Cooperation Infrastructure (PDF / 3,645 kb)
- Proceedings Summary (PDF/316KB)
- Reference 1: Holding of the Data Strategy Promotion Working Group (PDF / 133 kb)
- Reference Material 2: Comments from Mr. Endo (PDF / 531 kb)
- Reference 3: Comments from Mr. Murai (PDF / 550 kb)
Relevant policies
Summary of proceedings
From 10:00 to 11:30 on Thursday, February 2, 2021 (2021)
Online Meetings
- MAKISHIMA Karen (Minister for Digital Transformation)
- Fumiaki Kobayashi (Senior Vice Minister of Digital)
- Taro Yamada (Parliamentary Vice-Minister Minister for Digital Transformation)
- Koichi Akaishi (Chief Officer for Digital Policy (Deputy General Manager))
- Kim Shin Ichiro SUNA (Executive Officer, AI Company, Company CEO, LINE Corporation)
- Nobuhiro Endo (Chairman of the Japan Business Federation cybersecurity Committee)
/ Chairman of the Board of NEC Corporation) * Absence - Naoki Ota (Representative Director of New Stories Co., Ltd.)
- Noboru Koshizuka (Professor, The University of Tokyo)
- GOTO Atsuhiro (President, security Graduate University of Information)
- Hajime Sato I (Executive Director of the Policy Department of the New Economy Federation)
- Sayoko Shimoyama (Representative Director of Link Data / Director of Info Lounge Co., Ltd.)
- Masahiko Shoji, Professor, Musashi University
- Satoru Tezuka (Professor, Keio University)
- Jun Murai (Professor, Keio University) * Absence
- Toshiya Watanabe, Professor, The University of Tokyo Institute for Future Initiatives
- Hiroshi Esaki (Digital Agency CA) * Absence
- Masaki Fujimoto, Digital Agency CTO
- Kenji Hiramoto (Head of Digital Agency Data Strategy)
- Masanori Kusunoki (Director-General of Digital Agency (in charge of digital society common functions))
- Keisuke Murakami (Director-General of Digital Agency (in charge of services for citizens)) * Absence
- Tatsuharu Narita (Deputy Secretary-General, Digital Market Competition Headquarters, Cabinet Secretariat)
- Tomoo Nemoto (Counselor to the Director-General of the Science, Technology and Innovation Promotion Office of the Cabinet Office (in charge of social system infrastructure)) *
- Shigeaki Tanaka (Director of the Intellectual Property Strategy Promotion Office, Cabinet Office)
- SAWAKI Kiyoshi (Deputy Director-General, Personal Information Protection Commission Secretariat)
- Shinichi OMURA (Director of Information and Communications Policy Bureau of Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Information Sharing Administration Bureau) * Attendance by proxy
- Hidetaka SAKAMOTO (Director of the cybersecurity and Information Promotion Office, Policy Division, Minister's Secretariat, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)) * Attendance by proxy
- NOHARA Satoshi (Director-General, Commercial Information Policy Bureau
Summary of proceedings
At the beginning of the meeting, the Three Officers in Charge of Political Affairs gave the following address.
- Minister for Digital Transformation, Makishima: By implementing digital reform, regulatory reform, and administrative reforms in an integrated manner, we will create a society in which individuals and businesses can make the most of their abilities while staying close to the people and area by advancing structural reforms of the national and local systems suitable for today's Japan. To this end, it is essential to have three data perspectives: an environment in which data can be distributed reliably, a mechanism in which data can create value by cooperating across fields, and a database that serves as the foundation of society.
In the previous discussion, we received an opinion that we should be aware of use cases and proceed by firmly setting KPIs and time horizons from the users' perspective. We would like to continue to deepen the discussion while continuing to keep these in mind. The discussions this time will be reflected in the "digital society for the Realization of Priority plan" to be formulated in mid-late December, and the data strategy will be steadily promoted.
- Senior Vice-Minister for Digital Affairs Kobayashi: Digital Agency's first task is to create a new infrastructure to distribute data throughout the country, mainly in the administrative field, and the point is to take concrete steps in the future while imagining who will use the infrastructure.
- Parliamentary Vice-Minister Minister for Digital Transformation Yamada: Regarding Trust services, it is necessary to decide on a specific position in the flow of DFFT, whether to choose a Western-style service or a Japan-specific service. In addition, I would like DFFT and With Trust to discuss what so-called authority authentication, including electronic signatures, should be.
1. Direction of consideration of the comprehensive data strategy
Based on Reference 1, the Secretariat explained the direction of the consideration of the Comprehensive Data Strategy, and the members mainly made the following remarks (Opinions of Members Murai and Endo who were absent were read on behalf of Reference Materials 2 and 3).
- It is necessary to consider how to implementation various things that are currently being considered, such as Trust and platforms.
- When developing a platform, there are expected effects and degree of realization, but it is necessary to organize the optimal approach method, whether to draw a large to-be diagram, check individual specific cases, or conduct hybrid examination.
- It is good that it is arranged by calculating both the time and the user's point of view backward, but the KPI and the way of user setting are still rough, and if it can be made more detailed, it will be a very effective plan.
- It is necessary to make a distinction such that KGI measures how close to the goal is, and KPI is used to measure the performance of individual measures.
- With regard to evaluation indicators, indicators based on the perspective of the people and the benefit value of the people are the most important. In addition, although it may be a certain intermediate variable, indicators based on the infrastructure of the back-end part are also important.
- As the base registry is developed, the world will become one in which the latest data can be automatically obtained without load. Therefore, is it possible to consider the automatic generation of statistical data?
- In the base registry, it is necessary to consider whether there will be legal problems such as personal data protection laws. In addition, when viewed in relation to the ideal image, attention should be paid to whether the existing data is sufficient in terms of granularity.
- The base registry of business operators is not only a efficiency for crisis response and procedures, but also necessary for daily business operations of companies. Therefore, it is necessary to develop it as open data.
- It is very easy to understand that the development of the base registry is started in this area because the private sector side is also spending a large amount of money on name-based aggregation and cleansing. It will have an impact if the schedule and roadmap are shown when the base registry will be developed.
- We should check the relationship between Trust and related movements, such as how to think about human Trust and overseas discussions on ICAM (Identity, Credential, and Access Management).
- With regard to Trust, the EU and the U.S. are strongly considering a broad architecture. There is an idea of entering from the cloud by default, but there are parts that cannot be realized by the cloud alone. Since data integrity, authenticity, and spoofs operate as a set, it is necessary to consider what kind of architecture should be used to consider the field.
- When Trust is divided into fields, there are two broad categories, digital security and digital society security, and it is necessary to organize the concepts and architecture for each. Therefore, when conducting a demonstration equivalent to a specific PoC, it is necessary to attempt a implementation by specifically applying Trust not only in Trust but also in conjunction with other efforts.
- From the perspective of private sector, it is important for Trust to be stable in litigation and to be able to use each other when concluding contracts with foreign countries. It is also important to ensure that cloud-based electronic signature services are not excluded.
- In terms of data quality, it is necessary to decide how to operate the guidebooks and tools. In particular, it is necessary to measure the quality of those specified in the base registry and request improvement. However, it is also necessary to request disclosure or force the implementation because some can only be evaluated internally.
- Digital is connected not only to the efficiency of administration but also to well-being and sustainability, and it is good to clearly show it by, for example, practically moving moves such as smart agriculture by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and circular symbiosis city by the Ministry of Environment from the countryside.
- It is important to be aware of the machine readability of data, but whether there are any problems in terms of rights should be arranged on a time scale of 2021 to twenty twenty-five.
- Instead of simply conducting a needs survey, it is effective for use cases to set up a forum like a round table where people who can be considered as their own can exchange opinions properly, and to continuously output data while people who use and output data interact with each other.
- It has become apparent that data on disasters and pandemics are already necessary, and it is necessary to promote digitalization of ledgers and data sharing between the public and private sectors.
2. Status of consideration of data-handling rule implementation
Based on Material 2, Member Watanabe explained the status of consideration of the Data-Handling Rule implementation, and the member mainly made the following remarks.
- There are many guidelines in various industries, but the guidance here should be structured to be consistent with them, and a process for organizing it is necessary.
- It is desirable to have a dashboard that shows the governance of data handling in organization is Issue, and the correlation, positional relationship, and division of roles with the guidance in each field at a glance.
- Data-handling rules will become meaningless unless they are well coordinated with implementation and architecture. Therefore, it is important to establish a system that enables such coordination.
3. Status of consideration of semi-public sector and mutual cooperation fields and inter-field cooperation infrastructure
Based on Material 3, Member Koshizuka explained the status of consideration of semi-public sector and mutual cooperation fields and inter-field cooperation infrastructure, and the members mainly made the following remarks.
- At present, discussions are being conducted separately in sub-working groups, etc., but in advancing implementation, it is necessary for Trust, rules, semi-public sector, and inter-field cooperation to be coordinated and integrated.
At the closing of the meeting, Chief Officer for Digital Policy Akaishi and Seiji Sanyaku gave the following greetings.
- Akaishi Chief Officer for Digital Policy: With the active use of data in the People's Republic of China and Europe, we are finally at the stage where we should implementation the discussion of this data strategy. We would like to create a distributed data power that is not inferior to foreign countries by involving related parties, such as creating a consortium equivalent to the world level by urging industry to consider use cases, and promoting public data organization in EBPM discussions.
- Parliamentary Vice-Minister Minister for Digital Transformation Yamada: It is no longer a phase of discussion for the sake of discussion, and it is necessary to accelerate and advance the realization in addition to the big picture.
- Senior Vice-Minister for Digital Affairs Kobayashi: As for concrete actions, I think we can create a good cycle in which various initiatives like the Tokyo Metropolitan Government will come out and new partners will increase by conducting Ideathon and hackathons and receiving wisdom from participants.
- Minister for Digital Transformation Makishima: We have set up a team on DFFT. While listening to today's discussions, I feel that we need the help of private sector and experts. In addition, although progress has been made on "dependents, education, and disaster risk management" in semi-public sector, there are many people involved in "medical care and health", and they are areas of high interest to us. Therefore, I would like to firmly convey that we will think from the perspective of the people.