Data Strategy Promotion Working Group (1st)
- Last Updated:
Published: October 25, 2021
- Date and Time: Monday, October 25, 2021 (2021), from 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Location: Online
- Agenda:
- Opening
- Proceedings
- The Way Forward for a Comprehensive Data Strategy
- Base Registry Concepts
- Holding of sub-working groups, etc.
- Exchange of opinions
- Adjournment
- Agenda (PDF/62KB)
- Exhibit 1: Proposed way forward for a comprehensive data strategy (PDF / 3,364 kb)
- Exhibit 2: Draft Base Registry Concept (PDF / 1,622 kb)
- Exhibit 3: Structure of the Data Strategy Promotion Working Group (PDF / 1,622 kb)
- Document 4: Holding of the Trust Sub-Working Group on Securing Promotion of DX (PDF / 110 kb)
- Exhibit 5: Meeting of the Sub-Working Group on implementation of Rules for Data Treatment on the Platform (PDF / 118 kb)
- Document 6: Holding of the EBPM Promotion Committee (PDF / 104 kb)
- Document 7: Holding of the semi-public sector Mutual Cooperation Working Group (PDF / 77 kb)
- Proceedings Summary (PDF/280KB)
- Reference 1: Holding of the Data Strategy Promotion Working Group (PDF / 134 kb)
- Reference 2: Status of Study on Roadmap to the Utilization of Data in Education (Digital Agency, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), METI, October 25, 2021 (2021)) (PDF / 4,639 kb)
Relevant policies
Summary of proceedings
Monday, October 25, 2021, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Online Meetings
- MAKISHIMA Karen (Minister for Digital Transformation)
- Fumiaki Kobayashi (Senior Vice Minister of Digital)
- Taro Yamada (Parliamentary Vice-Minister Minister for Digital Transformation)
- Koichi Akaishi (Chief Officer for Digital Policy (Deputy General Manager))
- Kim Shin Ichiro SUNA (Executive Officer, AI Company, Company CEO, LINE Corporation)
- Nobuhiro Endo (Chairman of Japan Business Federation cybersecurity / Chairman of NEC Corporation)
- Naoki Ota (Representative Director of New Stories Co., Ltd.)
- Noboru Koshizuka (Professor, The University of Tokyo)
- GOTO Atsuhiro (President, security Graduate University of Information)
- Hajime Sato I (Executive Director of the Policy Department of the New Economy Federation)
- Sayoko Shimoyama (Representative Director of Link Data / Director of Info Lounge Co., Ltd.)
- Masahiko Shoji, Professor, Musashi University
- Satoru Tezuka (Professor, Keio University)
- Jun Murai (Professor, Keio University)
- Toshiya Watanabe, Professor, The University of Tokyo Institute for Future Initiatives
- Hiroshi Esaki (Digital Agency CA) * Absence
- Masaki Fujimoto, Digital Agency CTO
- Kenji Hiramoto (Head of Digital Agency Data Strategy)
- Masanori Kusunoki (Director-General of Digital Agency (in charge of digital society common functions))
- Keisuke Murakami (Director-General Digital Agency (in charge of services for citizens))
- Tatsuharu Narita (Deputy Secretary-General, Digital Market Competition Headquarters, Cabinet Secretariat)
- Yasuki Matsuo (Executive Director of the Science, Technology and Innovation Promotion Office, Cabinet Office
- Yuichi Inoue (Deputy Director General of the Secretariat for the Promotion of Science, Technology and Innovation
- Shigeaki Tanaka (Director of the Intellectual Property Strategy Promotion Office, Cabinet Office)
- SAWAKI Kiyoshi (Deputy Director-General, Personal Information Protection Commission Secretariat)
- Shinichi OMURA (Director of Information and Communications Policy Bureau of Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Information Sharing Administration Bureau) * Attendance by proxy
- Sonoko Watanabe (cybersecurity, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) Minister's Secretariat, Director General for Policy Planning)
- Taro Kiyoshi Fujita (Deputy Director-General of the Commercial Information Policy Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (in charge of IT Strategies)) *
Summary of proceedings
At the beginning, the Three Officers in Charge of Political Affairs gave the following address on the establishment of the working group.
- Minister for Digital Transformation Makishima: I have been appointed Minister for Digital Transformation, and I will fulfill my duties so that the benefits of digital reform can be delivered to the people at an early stage. The data strategy will enter the implementation phase. In addition to the issues and directions for promoting the strategy, I would like to ask for active discussion on the concept of the base registry. In the discussion, I believe that it is important to (1) be aware of the lives, economic activities, and industrial infrastructure of the people from the user's perspective, (2) organize in anticipation of emergencies, and (3) be aware of the DFFT that originated from Japan from a global perspective.
- Senior Vice-Minister for Digital Affairs Kobayashi: What is technically possible and what is institutionally possible need to be sorted out as separate issues. In addition, the purpose is important, and I would like to put the main purpose of making it possible to use it quickly, improving the convenience of the people, and leading to changes in the social structure.
- Parliamentary Vice-Minister Minister for Digital Transformation Yamada: It is important to be aware of the difference between Society4.0 and Society5.0 and to be aware of changing society data-driven. In addition, in order to distribute data in DFFT, it is necessary to discuss Trust as a set.
1. How to move forward with the comprehensive data strategy
Based on Document 1, the Secretariat explained how to proceed with the Comprehensive Data Strategy in the future, and the members mainly made the following remarks.
- It is necessary to set goals for KPIs and time horizons. In this case, it is important to control benefits from the user's perspective and to set goals firmly, not only for supply-side KPIs.
- You can't get it right the first time, so the idea is to use KPIs to make good course corrections while doing it.
- Development on the time axis is very important, and it is necessary to discuss what will be realized immediately technologically and what will be advanced with the intention of taking time, referring to prior cases overseas.
- Trust is an important foundation that relates to all points, and we would like to consider it based on the legal system at the national level. The sub-working group believes that it is a big mission to finish Trust in a form that firmly corresponds to DX.
- In considering the certification scheme of Trust, we would like to request that consideration be given to technology neutrality so as not to tie up actual technical matters.
- Another point is that the fact that the data handling rules in the platform are accompanied by not only self-interest but also the public interest will motivate the provision of data.
- It is important to strongly recognize that we are at a turning point in an era that occurs once every 20 years, and to create a new next-generation cyber infrastructure. We would like to make DATA-EX a core platform for realizing the next generation of DFFT.
- In the data exchange market, discussions seem to be centered on the data supplier side, but it is necessary to play a role of bridging the needs of sellers and buyers by coordinating them well.
- Data standards are very important in data management. It is necessary to have a mechanism to determine data standards with fairness. It is necessary to establish rules by determining data standards in as high a organization as possible.
- Regarding the establishment of EBPM, it is necessary to set the KPIs to be seen in the dashboard from the ideal state, and then consider the order of what is necessary to see it.
- It is necessary to consider a solution from the viewpoint of the data infrastructure side from the viewpoint of the Minister in charge of Administrative Reform Okada.
- Data is a source of value for creating overall optimization, and we would like you to make a design including connectivity and interoperability between data.
- It is important to clearly define the rights of stakeholders and how to discuss data. Please indicate the direction of collecting data by balancing not only privacy issues but also the implications of applications and data.
- In order to make people aware of the importance of protecting data, it is necessary to constantly simulate the impact on the real economy and activities in the real society when a data problem occurs in the cyber world.
2. Base Registry Concepts
Based on Material 2, the Secretariat explained the concept of the Base Registry, and the members mainly made the following remarks.
- I would like to ask you to add the point of how to use data for sustainability as another point of view of use cases's purpose.
- We should have a system of use cases cooperation so that we can always update the area while connecting with the field that deals with direct data.
- Data utilization tends to be a story of reputation, but it is desirable to add the perspective of Citizen-Generated Data in which citizens and residents participate in the creation of data.
- The granularity of data to be aggregated needs to be considered in light of the tradeoff between use cases needs and operational burden.
- It is necessary to list and explain the differences from conventional open data and public databases for those who utilize the base registry.
3. Holding of Sub-Working Groups, etc.
Based on Material 3, the Secretariat explained the system for promoting the data strategy, and the members mainly made the following remarks.
- Since Digital Agency covers a wide range of areas, it is necessary to form a team unit that includes private sector experts, representatives of related ministries and agencies, and local administrations rather than a working group, and to proceed by setting goals, deadlines, and assignments.
- Just as the Open Data Initiative created heroes, the national government should adopt initiatives to identify and motivate people who have done well.
- Various international measures for data, such as international cooperation and international standards, are being advanced, but it is necessary to have a system in which responses are made in unison within Japan, not in an ad hoc manner.
At the closing of the meeting, Parliamentary Vice-Minister Minister for Digital Transformation Yamada and Chief Officer for Digital Policy Akaishi made the following greetings.
- Parliamentary Vice-Minister Minister for Digital Transformation Yamada: In developing the base registry, we must first create a methodology and process for data maintenance. In addition, we also need to discuss how to keep the accuracy and granularity as master data. In addition, we need to cooperate with overseas countries, and we need to create one that conforms to international standards.
- Chief Officer for Digital Policy Akaishi: It is necessary to create and promote KPIs, time horizons, and responsibility systems from the user's perspective. In addition, the three political officers will be in charge of administrative reform, regulatory reform, and DFFT, and I would like to link this discussion to the realization of institutional reform and DFFT in earnest.