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Roadmap to the Utilization of Data in Education.

In Digital Agency, following the compilation of a questionnaire on GIGA School Concept in September 2021 (2021) and , we have started to formulate a roadmap for the utilization of education with related ministries and agencies.

First, we set the mission of education's digitalization as "a society in which everyone can learn in their own way, from anywhere, anytime, and with anyone." To this end, we set up the "three axes" of (1) scope, (2) quality, and (3) combination, and presented an overall design (architecture (image)) of education data distribution and storage to realize these.
Based on this, we have organized the issues and necessary measures related to each structure such as "rules," "utilization environment," "cooperation platform (tool)," "data standards," and "infrastructure."

We used the Digital Agency Idea Box to widely solicit opinions on the status of consideration of this roadmap from October 25 to November 26, 2021 (2021).

After that, based on the opinions we received and the exchange of opinions with experts, we further deepened the necessary measures and compiled a roadmap with related ministries and agencies. Going forward, in conjunction with the "digital society for the Realization of digital society" approved by the Cabinet on December 24, 2021 (2021) based on the Basic Act on the Formation of Priority plan, we plan to steadily promote measures in cooperation with various parties concerned and flexibly review them based on changes in the situation.
In addition, we are not considering the central government's centralized management of personal education data.



We have created a Q & amp; A to help you better understand this roadmap. (Updated: January 17, 2022 (2022))

