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The government will promote the digitalisation of semi-public sector (education), which is closely related to people's daily lives and in which the involvement of the national government is significant and which has a large ripple effect on other private sectors, and will work on the development of systems for the coordination and utilization of data. Through these efforts, the government will realize a prosperous life for the people by providing optimal services that meet individual needs.


In order to realize effective learning necessary for the future, education that meets the needs of each individual is important. It is necessary not only to deploy terminals using GIGA School Concept, but also to promote standardization of educational materials and the provision of diverse educational materials on the cloud. With an eye to future collaboration of data inside and outside schools, the relevant ministries and agencies will promote such initiatives as a team.

Related Materials

Examples of efforts

We are conducting a demonstration to support children's "learning in their own way" through the utilization of educational data. We will introduce the demonstration of Kagoshima Municipal Yawata Elementary School, where children use one device and learn at their own teaching materials and pace, with the voices of children and teachers. Please check the video below for details.

Related Information

Related policy

Establishing a roadmap for the utilization of educational data

From October 25 to November 26, 2021, Digital Agency and other relevant ministries and agencies began formulating a roadmap for the future utilization of educational data. We used the Digital Agency Idea Box to solicit opinions from the public on points to be noted in the future when utilizing educational data. Based on the opinions received and exchanges of opinions with experts, we formulated the roadmap on January 7, 2022.
It should be noted that the government does not consider the unified management of individual educational data.

We have created a Q & amp; A to help you better understand this roadmap.

Survey on GIGA School Concept

From July 1 to 31, 2021, we conducted a survey on GIGA School Concept among educators (schoolchildren, teachers, guardians, etc.) and received about 217,000 opinions from children and about 42000 opinions from adults. On September 3, the results of the survey were published together with a joint message from the relevant ministers.

Reports and Results

Public offering, etc.

(End of reception) Request for cooperation from digitalisation who provide services related to private sector for high school enrollment selection

We will conduct a questionnaire survey to receive information from people in private sector who provide existing services related to the digitalisation of high school entrance selection, so please cooperate with us.

Meetings, etc.

No such information is currently available.

Services using digital technology in the field of education

Digital Agency has released the "Educational DX Service Map" to enable school boards and schools to quickly collect information on digital services in the educational field.