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We are mailing you a cancellation letter regarding an account that is highly likely not to have a deposit account in your name registered with public fund receiving account.

On June 30, we sent a "Request for Change or Deletion of public fund receiving account" to those who may not have registered a savings account in their name with public fund receiving account. However, we sent a letter to those who have not replied by the end of September, or those who have replied but have not been resolved due to defects such as omissions, around mid-November.

For information on June 30, please refer to "A letter will be sent by mail to those who may not have registered a savings account in their name with public fund receiving account. ".

Mailing Content

Ship Date

Friday, October 13, 2023


  • We will delete the registered account information around mid-November 2023.
  • If you wish to use public fund receiving account, please register from Mynaportal after the deletion process.

Contact Us

Letter Recipient

  • 0120-303732 (Dedicated Dial)
    *If you cannot reach the above number: (charged) 050 3818 1250

  • Reception Hours

    • Weekdays: 9:30 am to 8:00 pm
    • Weekends and national holidays: 9:30 am to 5:30 pm

*The dedicated dial will be available until Tuesday, October 31, 2023.

General Inquiries about public fund receiving account

  • 0120 95 0178 (My Number General Toll-free Number)

  • Reception Hours

    • Weekdays: 9:30 am to 8:00 pm
    • Weekends and national holidays: 9:30 am to 5:30 pm


Please be aware of fraud, etc. under the guise of a notice regarding this matter.

  • In connection with this matter, Digital Agency will not ask you to pay any money under any pretext.
  • At the dedicated dial (0120-303732) , you will not be asked to provide your personal data or account information.

If personal identification is required, we will only confirm the reference number, name and date of birth stated in the mail.

For other frequently asked questions and concerns about incidents such as misregistration of My Number Card services, please see , which answers questions and concerns about incidents such as misregistration of My Number Card services.
