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Category: Policies
Updated Government Interoperability Framework (GIF)
Global Site:G7 Digital and Tech Ministers' Meeting
Visit Japan Web Service: Tax Exemption Function testing Implementation Guidelines Application Form has been posted
Useful Information for local government: My Number Card Reference Materials
Useful Information for private business: My Number Card Reference Materials
Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation: Well-Being Questionnaire Dashboard (individual survey version), etc. were posted.
Budget and Settlement (List of Commissioned Survey Deliverables): Survey and research toward institutional examination for cooperation of land-related ledgers was posted.
JP PINT: We renewed the Peppol Service Provider certification.
Visit Japan Web Service: Posted "About Duty-Free Sales Procedures"
Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 contact-tracing app (COCOA): A summary report on efforts for the Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 contact-tracing app (COCOA) has been posted.