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Category: Policies
We will seek opinions on the partial revision of the Ministerial Ordinance on the Provision of Individual Numbers, Individual Number Cards, and Specified personal data Prescribed in the Number Use Act.
We will seek opinions on the partial revision of the technical standards concerning the method of transmission through telecommunication lines or transmission of electromagnetic media and the method of transmission using the Information Provision Network System.
We will solicit opinions on the draft Ordinance for Enforcement of the Act on Registration, etc. of Deposit Accounts for the Purpose of Prompt and Certain Implementation of Payment, etc. of Public Benefits
(End of Reception) Please give us your opinion on the data strategy
We released a video introducing My Number Card.
The results of the compilation of "Opinions on the Specifications of Vaccination Certificates for the Novel Coronavirus Vaccine (Electronic Issue)" have been announced.
2021 Digital Day Online Event
We will start considering the design of the overall picture (sketch) of contracts and settlements between companies.
We held a demonstration event on the use of health insurance card in My Number Card.
The competent minister approved the use of Japanese Public Key Infrastructure (JPKI) for private business.