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Category: Policies
Materials related to My Number System related to the explanation of systems in information linkages were posted.
Introduction of Well-Being Indicator Utilization Facilitator and Dispatch Project
Materials for members participating in the digital reform Co-Creation Platform have been updated.
Added resources to My Number Card Info (useful information for private business)
In the My Number Card Usage Information for private business, we updated the material "To promote My Number Card" when using Vision of Safe and Convenient Online Transactions.
We updated the follow-up survey on the status of online implementation of procedures that local governments should preferentially promote online.
Updated Government Interoperability Framework (GIF) Materials
Updated the way to register for participation in the digital reform Co-Creation Platform
Materials for the second meeting of the International Data Governance Advisory Committee are posted.
We will hold an online explanatory meeting for software companies and sales companies in preparation for the official release of the Digital Marketplace (DMP).