Revising analog regulations Initiatives by Local Governments
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In Digital Agency, we are working on a review of "analog regulations" in laws and ordinances and other areas of the country to realize a digital society.
"Analog regulations" are rules (regulations) that are premised on analog methods (such as visual confirmation, participation in on-site and face-to-face training, and posting of official certificates in writing). Such "analog regulations" are one of the factors that hinder digitalisation and the utilization of digital technology. As the population declines, the birthrate declines, and the population ages, and labor shortages are expected to increase in all industries and workplaces in the future, it is essential to promote digitalisation in the entire society and realize productivity improvement and labor substitution through the utilization of digital technology. To this end, it is important to develop regulatory environments that adapt to the progress of technology. As part of this, it is necessary to implement "revising analog regulations" initiatives to make existing systems and laws and ordinances, etc., capable of utilizing digital technology.
In particular, as the population decreases and the birthrate decreases and the population ages rapidly in rural areas, it is necessary to resolve regional labor shortages and to maintain and strengthen regional functions, including administrative services closely related to the lives of residents, even under limited human resources. Therefore, it is extremely important to work on revising analog regulations in rural areas.
In order to support the efforts of local governments in revising analog regulations, this page summarizes the national government's efforts and information related to revising analog regulations. It also contains information on the support provided by Digital Agency to promote the efforts of local governments. Please make use of this page.
Recent Initiatives
- March 26, 2025
- February 27, 2025
- Data, etc. on national efforts, including documents on national efforts
- February 17, 2025
- The target organizations of the "Local Public Body's Individual Support Project for revising analog regulations" related to the recruitment in fiscal 2024 were announced.
- "Collection of revising analog regulations Cases in laws and ordinances and Other Areas in Japan, Vol. 2" on
- February 4, 2025
- Support for efforts by local governments
- Data, etc. on national efforts
- Where to gather and exchange information, and for inquiries
- Reference Links
Support for efforts by local governments
- Local governments' individual-type support projects for revising analog regulations
Digital Agency provides individual support to local governments working on revising analog regulations, depending on the status of their efforts and the challenges they face in pursuing their efforts.
Materials supporting the efforts of local governments
- Basic data on revising analog regulations
Basic information necessary for local governments to promote revising analog regulations, such as "What are analog regulations?" and "Measures taken by the national government so far", is summarized in this document. For local governments that are considering starting measures in the future, please take a look at it to grasp the overall picture. For local governments that have already started measures, please use it to explain to related parties, etc.- Efforts related to revising analog regulations (PDF / 4,483 kb) (updated on March 26, 2025)
- Video presentation of efforts
Digital Agency is also working to disseminate information on the review of analog regulations. Actual efforts related to the review of analog regulations are introduced in easy-to-understand videos and text, so please use them together with basic materials.
- Manual for Inspection and Review of Analog Regulations by Local Governments
We have compiled a manual with examples of work procedures and other information to help you check and review analog regulations. We have compiled specific work procedures and considerations for review in an easy-to-understand manner by referring to the examples of initiatives taken by leading organizations nationwide. We also have a "Collection of Examples of Reviewing Analog Regulations," which contains the concept of reviewing analog regulations and actual examples from the government and leading organizations. We hope you will make use of this extensive collection of useful reference materials. - Examples of revising analog regulations in laws and ordinances, etc. in Japan
Among the examples of revision of analog regulations in the national laws and ordinances and notifications, the examples of reference for local governments are summarized in an easy-to-understand manner, including the provisions before and after the revision. - Analog Regulatory Inspection and Identification Tool
This is a tool to identify regulations that may fall under analog regulations in ordinance, etc. Please use it in conjunction with the "Search Keywords" in the "Manual for Checking and Reviewing Analog Regulations in Local Governments".- Analog Regulatory Inspection Tool Beta Version
- How to Use the Beta Version of the Analog Regulatory Inspection Tool (YouTube)
- Analog Regulatory Inspection Tool Alpha Version (Regular Version) (Zip / 74 kb)
*If the normal version does not work properly, please try Excel2016 version (Zip / 69 kb) . - Analog Regulatory Inspection Tool Alpha Manual (PDF / 414 kb)
- Documents concerning the investigation of issues related to revising analog regulations by local governments
This is a list and report of the results of a survey conducted in fiscal 2023. The survey was conducted in cooperation with 15 model local governments and other organizations that responded to a public invitation from Digital Agency. In addition to checking and reviewing the ordinance, the effects of technological substitution were estimated.- List of Applicable Provisions of Analog Regulations in Model Municipalities (Excel / 3,457 kb)
*In addition to the results of the inspection and clarification of analog regulations by model local governments, we also post a proposal for a review of the operation, so please refer to it when you consider the details of the review. - Research Report on revising analog regulations Issues by Local Governments (PDF / 4,294 kb)
- List of Applicable Provisions of Analog Regulations in Model Municipalities (Excel / 3,457 kb)
Data, etc. on national efforts
- Roadmap for revising analog regulations based on digital principles
You can check the content of analog regulations in the country's laws and ordinances (law, government and ministerial ordinance), policies for review, and the status of review based on the policies (follow-up). - Policy to review analog regulations (notifications, circulars, etc.) based on digital principles
You can check the content of analog regulations in notifications, circulars, public notices, etc. of the government, the policy for review, and the status of review based on the policy (follow-up). - Policy dashboard
The status of the review in each laws and ordinances of the country is presented in an easy-to-understand manner using graphs, etc. - Technology Map and Technology Catalog
We are developing technology maps that organize and visualize the correspondence between regulations and available elemental technologies, as well as technology catalogs that enable us to grasp specific product and service information corresponding to the elemental technologies on the maps. - Technology verification business
In order to ensure the safety and effectiveness of revising analog regulations, we conduct technical inspections in cooperation with the relevant government agencies and local public entities.
Where to gather and exchange information, and for inquiries
- Digital Reform Digital Transformation Co-Creation Platform
It is a communication platform utilizing Slack, a business chat tool, that any employees of local governments and government agencies can participate in. Digital Reform Digital Transformation Co-Creation Platform 's "#Co-creation pf _ desi _ pj _ revising analog regulations" provides information on national efforts as needed, and allows "direct interactive" communication between local governments and Digital Agency officials. Please feel free to participate.
If you have not registered to participate in the Digital Reform Digital Transformation Co-Creation Platform, how to register to participate in the Digital Reform Digital Transformation Co-Creation Platform Please register from . - RegTech Community
In order to promote revising analog regulations, the "RegTech Community" carries out activities aimed at exchanging opinions and sharing information among parties involved in reviewing regulations (local governments, ministries and agencies in charge of regulations, technology-owning companies, etc.). - Contact:
If you have any questions about revising analog regulations, please feel free to contact us. We also accept questions in Digital Transformation Co-Creation Platform at any time.- Digital Agency Regional Analog Regulation Review Promotion Group
Email: rincho-local _ atmark _ digital. go. jp
*To prevent spam, "@" is displayed as "_ atmark _
When you send mail, please change "_ atmark _
" to "@" (one byte).
- Digital Agency Regional Analog Regulation Review Promotion Group
Reference Links
- Efforts to review analog regulations
- The Digital System Reform Review committee
- Digital Temporary Administrative Investigation Council (abolished)
- Digital Ad Hoc Administrative Research Council Working Group (Abolished)
- Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation
- Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation issue Kin (Digital Mounting Type)
- Digital Administrative and Fiscal Reform Council