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Category: Policies

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The list of companies and examples of introduction of Japanese Public Key Infrastructure (JPKI) using My Number Card has been updated.


The links to the National Health Insurance System core business systems Specifications (Version 1.3) and the child allowances System standard Specifications (Version 2.0) have been updated in the standard Specifications for the unification and standard of local governments. standard


Added resources to My Number Card Info (useful information for private business)


Added resources to My Number Card Info (useful information for local government)


In some cases, online digitalization such as national certification, the current Registered Domicile cannot be specified from the results of the inquiry of the obtained family registry information, and the examination cannot be continued.


Materials for the information linkages System (Public Medical Hub: PMH) connecting local government, medical institutions, etc. have been updated.


Materials for the information linkages System (Public Medical Hub: PMH) connecting local government, medical institutions, etc. were updated.


We have updated our activities in digital promotion committee.


The implementation policies for the digitalisation of public fund payments to local governments were revised (revised on October 4, 2024).


The Public Comment Procedure has been updated