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New Arrivals/Updates
The fourth meeting of the Study Group on Modernization of Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act Certification Standards will be held.
The Public Medical Hub (PMH), an information coordination system that connects local governments and medical institutions, has been updated with a list of scheduled commencement dates and commencement dates for operation in each local government
"Response to the Request for Comments on" "Borrowing of Terminals for the Transition to Government Solution Services at the Cybersecurity Center of the twenty twenty-five Administration, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan Meteorological Agency, Japan Fair Trade Commission, Nuclear Regulation Authority, and The Imperial Household Agency" ""
We updated the list of contractors (including subcontractors) in Digital Agency.
General competitive bidding: Network environment construction and maintenance related to the transition to the government solution service of the Nuclear Regulation Agency was posted
General Competitive Bidding: twenty twenty-five Posted support work related to reviews, etc. for the continuation of PCIDSS compliance of the government common settlement infrastructure
General competitive bidding: The communication use contract of Wi-Fi router was posted
Japanese Public Key Infrastructure (JPKI) Updated the list of platform operators that support the latest user information (4 information) provision service
Twenty twenty-five (twenty twenty-five) BPR Advisor Dispatch Application (Dispatch Application Form)
Updated materials from the 1st meeting of the Advisory Council on Standardization of Characters in Local Government Information Systems