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New Arrivals/Updates

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We have published a guidebook for shared use of data linkage platforms in Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation.


Planning competition: demonstration experiments using My Number Card in the field of education <Identification confirmation at the time of student discount use> was posted


Digital Agency design system wins Good Design Best 100


The results of the third public offering for the 2024 Government Cloud Early transition Organization validation Project (as of October 15) were announced. [For local governments employees]


The proceedings and summary of the 1st meeting of the Study Group on Modernization of Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act Accreditation Standards are posted.


Leaflet "Safe to Carry! Safe in My Number Card" Updated


Materials related to the information linkages System (Public Medical Hub: PMH) connecting local government, medical institutions, etc. have been updated.


Updated FAQ A3-4 about My Number Card


Materials related to My Number System related to the explanation of systems in information linkages were posted.

Press conference

Summary of Mr. Taira's press conference (October 11, 2024) was posted.