Results of Public Offering on Products that Realize digitalization for Training and Testing: LM SQUARE
Points to Note (from the Public Offering Guidelines)
- In principle, information based on applications is posted in the catalog as it is.
- The information published in the Technology Catalog is not intended to prove, authenticate, or otherwise support the technology, but is compiled as reference information for the use of the technology. Therefore, it is prohibited to display, advertise, etc. the technology published in the Technology Catalog as if it had been backed by the country (Digital Agency).
- In addition, the Technology Catalog contains information based on applications, and the content thereof is not evaluated by Digital Agency. Therefore, Digital Agency shall not be responsible for the content of the catalog or any complaints related thereto, and the applicants shall be responsible for the same.
Overview of Products and Services
Company Name
Uchida Jinzai development Center Co.
Corporate Number
Company Overview Page
Product / Service Name
Product & Service Overview Page
Product & Service Overview Page
Overview of Products and Services
LM SQUARE is a learning management system. It seamlessly centralizes e-learning and group training. You can run Java programs on the learning screen. You can view video teaching materials and connect to Zoom.
Function 1. Course Application and Course Fee Settlement
Mechanism for identity verification when applying for courses
No mechanism: Mechanism for identity verification
Tuition Settlement
No payment function: The Products and Services do not have a payment function (payment must be made outside the Products and Services).
Function 2. Training
How to Watch
Live streaming: Watching recorded videos (students can watch them at any time they like)
A mechanism to confirm the identity of the student at the start of the course
Confirmation with ID and password: You can request authentication with the registered ID and password when taking the course.
Download various materials related to the training
Materials can be downloaded
A function to check the status of the course by using a camera, etc. during the course
Only after-the-fact confirmation through access logs
Function to prevent illegal attendance
Fast-forward prevention for recorded viewing: There is a mechanism to prevent fast-forward viewing of lecture videos (in the case of viewing recorded lecture videos).
Details of Technologies Related to Measures against Unauthorized Attendance
You can choose not to display the fast-forward button or progress bar on the lecture screen so that you cannot skip or fast-forward videos.
Function 3. Test
Function to conduct an examination to measure the degree of understanding of the course
Test Method
- It is compatible with the so-called WBT (Web Based Test) / IBT (Internet Based Test) method, which is conducted at home using the examinee's own computer, etc.
- It supports the so-called CBT (Computer Based Test) method, which is conducted using a computer at a designated venue.
Response Method
- Optional
- A descriptive expression
- It is also possible to compile a Java program written by a student and determine whether it is correct or false.
Test Timing
- The test can be taken at any time by the examinee
- All test takers take the test at the same time
System to confirm the identity of the examinee at the start of the examination
Confirmation with ID and password: When taking the examination, you can request authentication with the registered ID and password (do not check your appearance).
Function of measures against fraudulent examination
Anti-fraud measures based on testing content: There is a mechanism in which questions can be set in multiple patterns and the order of questions can be set randomly.
Details of Technologies Related to Measures against Fraudulent Examination
Authentication by ID and password only. At present, there is no function to prevent spoofs such as face authentication, but it is possible to support multi-factor authentication in cooperation with other companies' systems.
Function 4. Issuance of Certificate of Completion
Certificate Issuance Function
Certificate Details
Upon completion, a certificate can be issued. The certificate can be in HTML, PDF, or digital certificate format. The format and design can be customized.
Additional Information
Information such as prices
We will provide a quotation according to your request.
Functions for dealing with system troubles
Both video and confirmation testing can be resumed from the place where it was suspended last time.
Interactive communication function with implementers of training, etc.
You can connect to Zoom from the training session screen. In addition, we are planning to make a development for the chat function.
- Communication with implementers, etc. via video and audio is possible.
- Communication via chat with implementers, etc. is possible
Scale you can handle
It can scale from a few people to tens of thousands of people.
Software, etc. that should be installed in the terminal of the student when taking the course
Zoom: Browser only. To use Zoom, install it separately.
Where personal data is stored
Data centers in Japan
Status of acquisition of various certifications related to the handling of information
Privacy Mark
Other appeals related to products and services
Group training and e-learning can be integrated and managed in one place.
You can compile Java programs on your browser.
The results of the testing and assessment are displayed in a radar chart, and you can visualization your strengths and weaknesses, and understand the trends and strengths and weaknesses of the organization as a whole.
You can connect to Zoom from the lecture screen.
If you are selling the course to an external company, you can apply for the course through the portal site that is prepared separately. Please contact us.
We provide one stop comprehensive support for LMS consulting, development, implementation, and operation.
Introduction results
Introduction results in Japan
Launched in April 2301000108666222, with 130100010866621 companies and 3923 IDs.
Results of introduction in training conducted by government agency
A total of 23010001086662 cases have been recorded in the system before renewal.
Key Case Studys1
- Title: Online Test Center 2 Months To Go Fast Deployment Flow Is Key
- Overview: The Online Test Center combines convenience and rigor.
I would like to create a Production Meister Test for the online age with CBT Solutions. - Reference URL
Key Case Studies 2
- Title: C Ministry D Service Guidelines Training Model Project
- Overview: Using the training application system and LMS, we issue a certificate to those who have completed the group training and e-learning.
Key Case Studies 3
No description
Contact Information
Department and person in charge of inquiries
LS Sales Department
Contact phone number
Contact Email Address
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