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Disaster Response Efforts in Digital Agency

It describes the support provided by Digital Agency in the disasters that actually occurred. Based on the experience, knowledge, and issues obtained through the support, we will promote efforts to realize disaster prevention DX in preparation for future disasters.

Study toward the establishment of a "Digital Support Team for Disaster Relief (tentative name)"

In the 2024 (2024) Noto earthquake, digital human resources from the private sector, such as the Disaster Prevention DX Public-Private Joint Creation Council, entered the disaster-stricken area immediately after the disaster occurred, and provided digital support for disaster response, such as building databases and systems on the spot according to the needs of Ishikawa prefecture. In this support, a wide range of support for the disaster-stricken area was implemented as pro bono activities, such as securing communications, organizing evacuation shelter data, and building a database of information on disaster victims, and results were achieved. However, challenges such as the difficulty of activities only by the private sector and the burden of pro bono activities over a long period of time became clear.
In response to a request from the Disaster Prevention DX Public-Private Joint Creation Council for Digital Agency to institutionalize activities by the private sector to make them more effective, Digital Agency, in cooperation with the Disaster Prevention DX Public-Private Joint Creation Council, began considering the establishment of a "Digital Support Team for Disaster Relief."
On December 18, 2024, at the "Disaster Prevention DX Public-Private Joint Creation Council 2024 Second Symposium," we announced our efforts to date and future considerations for the creation of a "Digital Support Team for Disaster Relief" in Digital Agency. For details, please refer to the following materials.

Future initiatives based on the 2024 Noto earthquake

The Noto earthquake occurred in January 2024 (2024), and Digital Agency has provided support. Based on the experience, knowledge, and issues obtained there, we will promote efforts to realize disaster prevention DX in preparation for future disasters.
We are considering the following five points as specific measures for the future. We will work quickly to realize the measures and link them to necessary budgetary measures.
For the summary of the content, please refer to the detailed material on future efforts based on the Detailed materials on future initiatives based on the 2024 Noto earthquake 2024 Noto earthquake.

Future initiatives

  1. Construction of a disaster victim master database
    • In order to provide detailed support that meets the needs of disaster victims, we will build a master database for aggregating and sharing information on disaster victims beyond the boundaries of municipalities immediately after a disaster occurs. We will use Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation issue Gold (digital mounting type) TYPES to develop the database and expand it nationwide.
    • The Secretariat of the Cabinet Secretariat Digital Administrative Reform Council conducted a public appeal for the construction of a wide-area disaster victim database system for Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation issue Gold (digital implementation type) TYPES, and the Ishikawa prefectural government was commissioned. Currently, the Ishikawa prefectural government is working on the construction of a wide-area disaster victim database system. Digital Agency and the Minister of State for Disaster Management of Cabinet Office are participating as related ministries and agencies.
  2. Enhancement of support for evacuees using My Number Card
    • We will work to increase the number of people who carry them on the My Number Card and equip them with smartphones even in normal times, and will expand online applications using My Number Card.
    • This time, we will re-examine the results of the system for understanding the situation of evacuees, which was constructed and operated urgently using Suica, and prepare for the next time by installing spare cards and readers.
      *For details on the solution to grasp information on evacuees using Suica, please check Efforts to Grasp Disaster Victims' Information Using Digital Technology in Response to the 2024 Noto earthquake 2024 Noto earthquake.
    • We will work to spread the evacuation shelter management system.
  3. Development of infrastructure for data linkage between disaster prevention systems and applications
    • In order to effectively utilize various disaster prevention systems and applications built by the private sector in the field, we will promote the development of a foundation for data linkage between different systems and applications from peacetime.
  4. Establishment of Digital Support Team System for Disaster Relief
    • Based on the experience of this Noto earthquake, we will promote the introduction of a mechanism to dispatch private-sector digital human resources, etc. in the event of a large-scale disaster, in cooperation with the Disaster Prevention DX Public-Private Joint Creation Council, etc.
  5. Promotion of introduction of GSS
    • Based on our experience in Noto earthquake, we have learned that GSS, which is being introduced as a common network for ministries and agencies, is effective not only for information sharing during normal times, but also from the perspective of business continuity and smooth communication in response to disasters at local headquarters, etc. Therefore, we will work to further promote the introduction of GSS at each ministry and agency.

Detailed materials on future initiatives based on the 2024 Noto earthquake

Efforts to Grasp Disaster Victims' Information Using Digital Technology in Response to the 2024 Noto earthquake

In the areas affected by the Noto earthquake, there are increasing opportunities for disaster victims to move to a wider area, such as moving from the primary evacuation shelter to the 1.5 and secondary evacuation shelter, and starting to live outside of evacuation shelter (at relatives' homes and homes inside and outside the prefecture, staying overnight in a car, etc.). In the course of this, it has become difficult to grasp the whereabouts of disaster victims and the usage status of each evacuation shelter, etc., and once again, it has become a challenge to properly grasp the whereabouts and actions of disaster victims.
For this reason, Digital Agency and the Disaster Prevention DX Public-Private Joint Creation Council, in cooperation with East Japan Railway Company, proposed a solution to grasp information on evacuees using Suica at the request of Ishikawa Prefecture, and implemented it as shown in the following materials.