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Results of Education-Related Projects in Fiscal 2023


Research on the digitalisation of High School Entrance Selection

With 99% of students going on to high school, most students prepare and submit (by mail, hand delivery, etc.) necessary documents such as high school entrance examination surveys and academic transcripts in paper form. It is expected that the digitalisation of this administrative work will drastically reduce the burden on middle and high school teachers, students, and parents. In the current situation, if necessary documents are prepared and submitted in paper form, we examined whether the digitalisation of the documents (data preparation and data delivery) is possible.

Performance report

Research and Study on Standard Operation Schedule for Effective Implementation of Educational Data Linkage and Utilization

In order to promote the linkage and use of educational data, we conducted research and studies to substantiate the benefits and model schedule while repeatedly interviewing school officials. Each material was prepared for school officials, including school boards.

Performance report

Empirical Research for Realization of Data Linkage of Education-related Data

In order to further improve the environment for utilizing educational data, we conducted empirical research on the following six items on the linkage of educational data between the school affairs support system, learning e-portal, LRS (Learning Record Store), and related educational applications in elementary and secondary education.

  • Content of empirical research
    1. Identification of issues related to the implementation of LTI/xAPI and demonstration for the dissemination of standard technologies (Demonstration I)
    2. Learning Support System - Demonstration of Data Linkage between Multiple Learning Applications (Demonstration II)
    3. Survey and Research for Utilizing Study Logs in Local Governments (Demonstration III)
    4. Operation / Improvement and Demonstration of Utilization of Educational Digital Content Search API (Demonstration IV)
    5. Examination of Public-Private Partnership Sites for Promotion of Educational Data Utilization and System Development (Demonstration V)
    6. Demonstration of ID Integration for Cross-System Identification of Learners to Simplify Annual Updating (Demonstration VI)

Performance report

Research Report on Realization of Secondary Use of Education-related Data

This group carried out basic research related to the construction of a secondary use database for education data, which is necessary to effectively use education data for policy planning and research. Specifically, this group analyzes the needs of stakeholders, investigates the types and availability of data, examines the technical framework and system configuration, and identifies legal and ethical issues.

Performance report

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