We will invite business operators and education to participate in empirical research toward the realization of data connections of local governments in fiscal 2023.
- Last Updated:
Based on the "Demonstration Research for Realization of data connections of education Data-related Projects in Fiscal 2023" (public notice on February 21, 2023), we will invite multiple business operators and local governments who wish to participate in this demonstration research. We will conduct demonstration research and survey research on educational data connection between learning support systems (LMS, LRS) and related education in elementary and secondary learning applications.
II Learning Support System - data connections Survey and Research among Multiple learning applications (Target Organizations: Businesses) Additional public offering will be made by changing part of the content. For details, please see "Additional Public Offering of Businesses to Participate in Demonstration Survey and Research toward Realization of data connections of education Data-related Fiscal 2023" .
Details of public offering
- Implementation of the mechanism necessary for learning support system and data connections demonstration between learning applications
Target organization: Businesses related to learning applications - Learning Support System - learning applications Survey Research across Multiple data connections
Target organization: local governments - Survey research on the utilization of study logs
Target organization: local governments - Demonstration of the use of education Digital Content Retrieval API, etc.
Target organizations: education app-related business operators, local governments, etc.
Public Offering Period
From March 10, 2023 to 17:00 on April 20, 2023
Public Offering Guidelines
We will post the guidelines for public offering.
Briefing session
In relation to the Public Offering, an online explanatory meeting was held in the afternoon of Thursday, April 6, 2023. Explanatory materials at the meeting are posted below.
Related Information
The report of the 2022 "Empirical Research for Realization of data connections of education Data-related Areas" project is scheduled to be published by early April.
Contact information
For the public Group, Digital Agency
Person in charge: Umehara, Okamura, Makihara
Email: kyouikuchuoutatsu _ atmark _ digital. go. jp
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