Archived videos of past briefing sessions, briefing materials, etc. (related to PMH)
*Please refer to PMH page for the latest information.
Local government and local government Information for System Vendors
We held a briefing session on the PMH project for local government on December 26, 2023 and for local government system vendors on January 19, 2024.
- Briefing Session Archive Video
- Presentation materials
- For local government (December 26, 2023) (PDF / 4,050 kb) (updated on January 25, 2024)
- For local government System Vendors, January 19, 2024
- [Material 1] This material (PDF/3,257 kb) (updated on May 31, 2024)
- [Material 2] API Collaboration Batch Process Specifications (PDF / 955 kb) (updated on May 31, 2024)
- [Others] Specifications, etc. (draft) for local government vendors (ZIP / 4,630 kb) (updated on April 30, 2024)
*Vaccinations and Maternal and Child Health fields will be published later. - [Others] local government System design Document Sample (publicly funded medical care) Related to PMH Support (ZIP / 1,232 kb)
- Other materials
Medical institutions, medical institutions, etc. Information for system vendors
On February 9, 2024, we held a briefing session on the PMH project for medical institutions and pharmacy system vendors.
- Briefing Session Archive Video
- Presentation materials