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Future Efforts

As the control tower for the realization of digital society, Digital Agency will take the lead in prioritization in planning and measures, and will drive the efforts of digitalization by the parties concerned.

Making people's lives and business activities more convenient in safty and security

1. Providing a convenient life in My Number Card and online administrative services

An illustration of a woman checking in at the counter and a woman taking out a My Number Card.

  1. Development of application and Issue environments
  2. Expansion of public service, etc.
    Integration with health insurance card / Integration with driver's license card / Integration with residence cards / Strengthening of cooperation with disability card / Strengthening of cooperation with pensions information / Promotion of use in the field of employment / digitalization of qualification information / Enhancement of efforts toward convenience of final tax return / Further promotion of digitalization of moving procedures and consideration of digital completion / digital completion for death inheritance procedures / Study on online applications for overseas voting registration, etc. / promotion of "Citizen's Card"
  3. Cooperation with private service
    Cooperation with private service in public service / Promotion of use in various private sector businesses / Promotion of online services in the public and private sectors by expanding the use of APIs for Mynaportal
  4. Promotion of utilization of public fund receiving account
  5. Improvement of convenience of My Number Card such as loading on smartphone
  6. Next version of the My Number Card Considerations

2. Establish rules for using digital technology

An illustration with rules and a checklist.

  1. A cross-sectional review of regulations on paper and in-person processes
  2. Maintenance of Technology Map, etc.
  3. Review of digital legislation
  4. Electronic official gazettes
  5. Procedural digital completion and convenience

3. Drive digital transformation across a country or local governments

An illustration of clouds and gears in the image of clouds on a map of Japan.

  1. Use of Digital Promotion Committee Members
  2. Review of regulations on paper and in-person processes in local governments
  3. Maintenance of Public Service Mesh
  4. "One-stop, no writing service", Municipal counter DX
  5. Cashless system for local governments
  6. Unification and standardization of core business systems in local governments
  7. Government Cloud transition in the country / local governments
  8. Development of infrastructure that supports digitalization

4. Improve the foundation of data connections through public and private sectors

On the left, an illustration of a cloud representing a cloud connected to a PC and a network, and an illustration of a server connected to the network.

  1. Development of data connections Infrastructure
  2. Horizontal deployment of good practice services / systems

5. Expand digital services in semi-public sector

An illustration of personal information displayed inside a laptop.

  1. Medical and long-term care field
    Standardization of electronic medical records / Promotion of electronic prescriptions / Integration with subsidy coupons, patient registration cards, etc. in medical care, nursing care, and childcare support / Strengthening of cooperation with maternal and child health handbooks / Promotion of revision of medical fee schedule DX / online medical consultation
  2. Education and dependent care
    Promotion of Data-Driven education / Communication between Schools and Homes / Study of dependents in data connections / online application to local governments for employment certificates
  3. Disaster risk management field
    Construction of disaster risk management Digital Platform / Promotion of disaster risk management Apps development and utilization to support residents and construction of data connections infrastructure to support it
  4. Mobility field
    Formulation of Mobility Roadmap / Development of a spatial information infrastructure (including 4D spatial-temporal ID) / mobility data connections in the field
  5. Infrastructure (Development and Upgrade of Electronic National Basic Map)

6. Promote initiatives based on AI utilization and data strategies.

Illustration of PCs and servers connected via the cloud.

  1. Efforts related to AI utilization
  2. Promotion of Comprehensive Data Strategy and Future Efforts

7. Create an international framework for data connections and data transfer

An illustration of the hand of a person shaking hands.

  1. Establishment of an international public-private partnership framework
  2. Framework for Mutual Utilization and Trust in eID
  3. A simple international remittance

8. Increase the convenience of public service for business operators

An illustration of a woman operating a PC.

Expansion of e-Gov / Spread of gBizID / Renovation of jGrants / Promotion of DX to support SMEs / Government support for start-ups in procurement

9. Create a mechanism that can realize fair and prompt procurement

Illustration of a conceptual diagram of public authorities's procurement of vendors that meet the registration requirements.

Prototype construction and demonstration of digital marketplace

10. Promote measures against disinformation on the Internet

Illustration of a web browser with security secured.

Thorough service improvement from the perspective of consumers and users

Creation of policies and services from the perspective of consumers

Apply consumer-oriented processes in a series of processes from policy formulation to service provision.
At the early stage of policy and service design, we aim to provide services from the user's perspective by conducting awareness surveys, co-creation with end users, opinion collection, prototype testing, demonstration experiments, etc.

Easy-to-understand explanations and information provision

Conduct easy-to-understand public relations activities tailored to the situation and level of understanding of users in order to make digital policies and services known and easier to understand. Ensure contact with users by utilizing not only the Digital Agency website but also various media.

Sharing progress using data

We will disclose the awareness and spread of digitalization in society and the progress of digital policies on the Digital Agency website.
In addition to qualitative information such as explanations of efforts, highly objective information using data will also be disclosed, aiming at a more transparent government.

Strengthen processes and systems for quality control

Strengthening organization Management Systems and Controls

Strengthened the management system for security and personal data protection in organization. Experts and managers in charge worked together to conduct internal audits. Established an organization (Management Planning Office (MPO)) to control and make decisions on the entire project, and strengthened information sharing and management in organization.

Project Management Process Construction

We have established management processes and systems to ensure project quality. We follow up on the project from planning to service release, operation and improvement, and provide support in each specialized field such as security and service design.

Strengthening cooperation between ministries and agencies and local local government

As system cooperation between the national and local governments is expanding, including My Number-related services, we will strengthen cooperation with related ministries and agencies and local local government. We will also develop tools, etc., to ensure timely and appropriate information linkages and efficiency of communication.

Promoting internal development and Into data-driven organization

Building processes and structures for internal development expansion

We will promote the expansion of development with the aim of securing a flexible and prompt service internal development and the capability of digital government. We will actively recruit professional human resources to improve the system of internal development, and also improve the environments and processes necessary for internal development. In the future, we will present concrete effects and results by internal development.

The strengthening of digital policy-making functions

We will strengthen the functions necessary for digital policy formulation. To be specific, we will define the functions of digital policy and vision formulation after the twenty twenty-five, the functions of research on overseas policies, and the functions of demonstration of new technologies such as AI, and will form a new team to engage in these activities.

Establishment of data utilization in organization

In the operation of the entire Digital Agency and the promotion of each project, we will form a culture and mechanism in which it is natural to make decisions using data. We will analyze and visualization situations using data, increase the effectiveness of business promotion and decision making, and practice EBPM throughout the entire organization.

Digital Agency leads the team as the control tower.

As the control tower for the realization of digital society, Digital Agency will take the lead in prioritization in planning and measures, and will drive the efforts of digitalization by the parties concerned.

  1. We will conduct the entire design of the digital society we aim for and realize services that the people can experience at an early stage.
  2. We supervise and supervise projects related to national information systems and maintain important systems by ourselves.
  3. In cooperation with Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, it plans and coordinates the unification and standardization of information systems in local governments.
  4. We will conduct general planning for the My Number System.
  5. As digitalization support for private sector and semi-public sector, we will develop and spread standards for mutual cooperation of information systems.
  6. We will develop ID system and certification systems to identify individuals and corporations and promote initiatives based on data strategies.
  7. We will have a dedicated team in cybersecurity to validation and audit the national systems maintained by Digital Agency.
  8. Secure human resources who can lead digital reform and build careers in both the public and private sectors
    Improve the environment.
  9. We will promote International Strategy, such as DFFT, in cooperation with related ministries and agencies and foreign governments.
  10. We will deepen public understanding by conducting effective public relations and information dissemination that can be understood by everyone.
