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Updated guide to link text and text areas
Link text is now easier to use
Why We Worked
Link text is a component and is difficult to use in a sentence
Inquiries from Digital Agency Website
The example text should be changed because the link color example in the color guide does not meet WCAG2.0 Level A (i.e., you should be able to see the content of the link without clicking the link).
Isn't it better to use relative space as the recommended size of the margin when arranging vertically?
Change link text from component to text style
Fix example of applying color guide + Add "Clarify the purpose of the link" to the guideline of the link text
In accordance with the new achievement criteria of " 2.5.8: Target Size (Minimum) " in "WCAG2.2," which is currently being formulated, the minimum target area has been changed to 24 with the absolute values unchanged. Since not only the web but also applications are targeted, the unit is not specified.
I created a guide for text areas with a character limit.
Why We Worked
Development of New Mynaportal We received an inquiry from the vendor about the matter that the character limit behavior of the text area is not determined.
Added guidelines for character limits
A character count counter is always displayed so that the character limit, the number of characters being entered, and the number of characters exceeding the limit can be specifically identified.
It is not recommended to include the number of characters only in the label or to automatically delete the number of characters if the number of characters exceeds the number of characters because it reduces the understandability of the error content.