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Design system

Digital Agency aims to realize "Human-friendly digitalization: No one left behind." We are working to improve the usability of web services and applications, the ease of searching for information, and accessibility. As part of this, we are promoting the construction of "design system" and disclosing it in a form that can be referenced by all people, regardless of public or private. We will continuously expand and update it to spread and enlighten better design, and contribute to a society in which all people can enjoy the benefits of digitalization.

On May 30, 2024, the transition of the contents of design system was made to the dedicated site "Digital Agency design system beta version".

Design system

An image of design system showing a page layout that combines styles and components.

On the dedicated site, we guide you to each asset such as guidelines and design data.

Illustration Icon Assets

Image with a sample of icon material on the left half and a sample illustration of a hand holding a My Number Card on the right half

This is a collection of materials made to make administrative proceduer easier to understand. Anyone can use it.

Recent Efforts

Inquiries and Requests

Please send us your comments and requests from .