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Illustration Icon Assets

Image with a sample of icon material on the left half and a sample illustration of a hand holding a My Number Card on the right half

Using a collection of materials to make administrative proceduer easier to understand

Improving the Technical and Confusing administrative proceduer

There are many technical terms used in the digital procedures related to the My Number, and it is necessary to convey them in an easy-to-understand manner at a glance by using illustrations and icons. However, until now, the government has not had any dedicated materials to be officially distributed.
Therefore, it was necessary for people in the local local government and private service to create their own, and there was a Issue where the expression was scattered by the transmitter.

Low cost, easy to understand

Creating illustrations and icon materials requires specialized knowledge and a lot of time. There are various matters to be considered, such as whether the visibility is kept high and whether the expression is easy to understand for people living in Japan and visitors. By distributing materials that can be used by anyone, we can save time for different organizations to produce and consider the same thing.
At the same time, we also distribute guidelines that can confirm various matters to be considered regarding material production, so we can respond to the need to "add new materials in the future."

Aiming for a "Gentle digitalization" that is easy for anyone to understand

The purpose of distributing this material is to make complex operation methods and procedure methods easy for people to understand, and to make people who are not interested in digital or who are not good at digital feel "gentle digitalization" as a sense.
For the shapes of illustrations and icons, we have used large curves to soften the impression, and have packed multiple elements into a single icon to avoid complexity. We have made repeated efforts to give the impression that it is "easy to understand" and "I think I can do it myself" at first glance.

"Illustration materials" that convey procedural methods

Screen capture with a sample of illustration material

"Icon material" that conveys content in an administrative context

Screen capture with a sample of the icon asset placed

How to use

Terms of Use

This Illustration and Icon Materials is copyrighted by in accordance with the Terms of Use for Illustrations and Icon Materials, but may be used without attribution by Digital Agency.
Material published in the Figma Community is marked with a CC BY 4.0 license as set forth in the Figma Community; provided, however, that illustration icon materials are subject to the Illustration Icon Materials Terms of Use.

Used in Figma

It is available from the free design tool Figma.
Figma Community

Download and Use

You can download and use it.
* This is the latest version as of June 2023.
*This material has been created with an RGB color profile suitable for digital device display. Please be aware that the colors will be intense and easy to appear when used in print.
Illustration Icon Assets (zip/7,018 kb)

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