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Category: Policies

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We posted the recruitment of local shelter staff participants (digitalization support staff members) in demonstration experiments related to local government operations and other evacuees support services.


We posted a video introducing "Digital Agency design system" in Digital Agency.


In fiscal 2024, we announced the results of the public solicitation for technical Technology Map in the survey and research for the improvement of validation.


Added resources to My Number Card Info (useful information for private business)


Updated the follow-up survey on the status of local governments's on-line procedures, which initiatives should promote on-line as a priority.


We have published a guidebook for shared use of data linkage platforms in Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation.


The results of the third public offering for the 2024 Government Cloud Early transition Organization validation Project (as of October 15) were announced. [For local governments employees]


Materials related to the information linkages System (Public Medical Hub: PMH) connecting local government, medical institutions, etc. have been updated.


Updated FAQ A3-4 about My Number Card


Materials related to My Number System related to the explanation of systems in information linkages were posted.

Press Kit

Press Contact

Email address: pr _ atmark _ digital. go. jp

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Reference Information

The press room was renovated on June 24, 2022.
Historical information can be found below.