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Category: Policies
Dashboard Design Practice Guidebook and Chart Component Library (Beta) Application Examples
Updated information for local government and local government system vendors, information for medical institutions and Pharmacy, medical institutions and Pharmacy system vendors, and about the subsidy program for medical institutions and Pharmacy
We selected excellent business improvement cases in the fiscal 2024 Administrative Project Review
Updated Copyright Policy
Materials for the development of common matters related to the unification and standardization of core business systems in local governments were updated.
Standard document retention period standards (retention period table) have been updated for the management of official documents, etc. in Digital Agency
Announcement related to PINT/Wildcard Scheme implementation plan in Japan has been updated.
Various specifications, etc. of standard specifications of common functions related to the unification and standardization of core business systems in local governments were updated.
Various specifications, etc. of the standard specifications of data requirements and cooperation requirements related to the unification and standardization of core business systems in local governments were updated.
From September 30, 2024, we will start providing "administrative operation Standard Current Ming Dynasty Font" files.