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Press Room
Summary of Minister Kono's Press Conference (March 1, 2024)
Summary of Minister Kono's Press Conference (February 16, 2024)
Digital Minister Kono attended the OECD Ministerial Council Meeting 2024
Planning competition: Survey and research on the construction of practical training for business / risk owners for the purpose of the penetration of security by design was posted.
We have published a research report on the realization of secondary use of education.
Planning competition: Survey work related to digitalization awareness in society in fiscal 2024 was posted.
Japanese Public Key Infrastructure (JPKI) (JPKI) Updated the list of platform operators supporting the latest user information (4 information) provision service
The status of contracts for commissioned research expenses for fiscal 2023 is posted.
Planning competition: design and development business of data sharing platform (inter-agency information linkages service) was posted.
We have updated "2. 2. My Number System Registration System" and "2. 3. Deposit Account Numbering System" in About public fund receiving account.
Press Kit
- Brand Guidelines
- Photos, etc. * Scheduled to be posted in the future
Press Contact
Email address: pr _ atmark _ digital. go. jp
*To prevent spam mail, "@" is displayed as " _ atmark _
When you send an email, please change " _ atmark _
" to "@" (one byte).
Reference Information
The press room was renovated on June 24, 2022.
Historical information can be found below.