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Press Room
Summary of Minister Kono's Press Conference (October 21, 2022)
List of platform operators in My Number Card (Japanese Public Key Infrastructure (JPKI)): Business materials are posted.
Personal data Conservation: "5. Reference Information" has been updated
Privacy Policy Updated
Press Conference by Minister Kono (October 18, 2022)
Started operation of ISMAP-LIU
Held a signing ceremony for the United Kingdom and Memorandam of Cooperation (MoC) in the digital field
Summary of Minister Kono's Press Conference (October 25, 2022)
Efforts of the Digital Promotion Committee: We have updated the "Recruitment Guidelines for the Digital Promotion Committee"
Global Site:Visit Japan Web Notice
Press Kit
- Brand Guidelines
- Photos, etc. * Scheduled to be posted in the future
Press Contact
Email address: pr _ atmark _ digital. go. jp
*To prevent spam mail, "@" is displayed as " _ atmark _
When you send an email, please change " _ atmark _
" to "@" (one byte).
Reference Information
The press room was renovated on June 24, 2022.
Historical information can be found below.