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Data Definition: Dashboard for School Affairs DX Initiatives

Definition of data and figures for each policy

The various figures used in the dashboard are the results of each school's self-inspection based on the "School Affairs DX Checklist under the GIGA School Concept" prepared by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. The definitions of the figures are as follows.



Data obtained from self-inspections in fiscal 2024 (2024) are used.
As there are some schools that did not respond, the number of schools that responded among elementary and junior high schools in the region is used as the denominator.

Digitalisation for communication between teachers and parents

Notification of absence, tardiness, or early leave

  • Completely digitalisation: The percentage of schools that answered "completely digitalisation" in response to the question, "Do you use cloud services to receive reports on absence, tardiness, and early leave from PCs, mobile devices, etc., and aggregate them within the school?" out of "Not at all", "Partially (less than half)", "Partially (more than half)", and "Completely digitalisation" (hereinafter referred to as the "four options")
  • More than half are in digitalisation: Percentage of schools that responded to the above question with either "partially (more than half)" or "completely in digitalisation" of the four options

Delivery of letters

  • Completely digitalisation: Percentage of schools that answered "completely digitalisation" out of four choices in response to the question, "Do you use cloud services to simultaneously distribute messages and handouts from schools to parents?"
  • More than half are in digitalisation: Percentage of schools that responded to the above question with either "partially (more than half)" or "completely in digitalisation" of the four options

Implementation of surveys and questionnaires

  • Fully digitalisation: The percentage of schools that answered "fully digitalisation" out of four choices in response to the question "Do you use cloud services to conduct and aggregate surveys and questionnaires for parents?"
  • More than half are in digitalisation: Percentage of schools that responded to the above question with either "partially (more than half)" or "completely in digitalisation" of the four options

Digitalisation for communication between teachers and students

Delivery of various notices

  • Fully digitalisation: The percentage of schools that answered "fully digitalisation" out of four options in response to the question "Do you use cloud services to deliver various communications to students?"
  • More than half are in digitalisation: Percentage of schools that responded to the above question with either "partially (more than half)" or "completely in digitalisation" of the four options

Implementation of surveys and questionnaires

  • Fully digitalisation: The percentage of schools that answered "fully digitalisation" out of four options in response to the question "Do you use cloud services to conduct and compile surveys and questionnaires for schoolchildren?"
  • More than half are in digitalisation: Percentage of schools that responded to the above question with either "partially (more than half)" or "completely in digitalisation" of the four options

Digitalisation for school communication

Sharing materials within the school

  • Fully digitalisation: The percentage of schools that answered "fully paperless" in response to the question "Do you share materials for staff meetings, etc. on the cloud and make them paperless?" out of "not at all", "partially (less than half)", "partially (more than half)", and "fully paperless"
  • More than half are in digitalisation: The percentage of schools that answered "not at all", "partially (less than half)", "partially (more than half)", or "completely paperless" as either "partially (more than half)" or "completely paperless" in response to the above question

Sharing information within the school

  • Implemented: Percentage of schools that responded "Yes" to the question "Do you use cloud services for information sharing and communication among teachers?" out of those that "No" or "Yes"

Implementation of surveys and questionnaires

  • Fully digitalisation: The percentage of schools that answered "fully digitalisation" out of four choices in response to the question "Do you use cloud services to conduct and aggregate surveys and questionnaires for teachers?"
  • More than half are in digitalisation: Percentage of schools that responded to the above question with either "partially (more than half)" or "completely in digitalisation" of the four options


Elimination of fax as a rule

  • Implemented: Percentage of schools that answered "not using" of "using" and "not using" in response to the question "Do you use fax for daily operations other than" operations for which the use of fax is considered to be exceptionally necessary? "

Abolition of the principle of affixing seals

  • Implemented: Percentage of schools that answered "No" out of "Yes" and "No" in response to the question "Are there any documents that require a seal for work?"