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Category: Policies

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Results of G7 Industry, Technology and Digital Ministerial Meeting


We posted an introduction to the efforts of Daisuke Kuramoto, a member of the Digital Promotion Committee, who supports the use of My Number Card, Mynaportal, and various digital services.


[For those who have not replied by the deadline or have not solved the problem due to omissions, etc.] We will mail a letter to delete the account that is highly likely to have a deposit account registered in public fund receiving account that is not in your name (so-called "misregistered account") (as of April 5, 2024).


We send notices (postcards) to people who are judged to have a high possibility that the account information registered as a public fund receiving account is that of their families, etc. (so-called "family accounts") (as of April 5, 2024).


We have posted the main responses (up to fiscal 2023) to various digital-related requests received so far.


Digital reform Co-Creation Platform Updated


Standard payment criteria for honorarium were posted.


We have posted the disabled version (v1.22.0) of the new corona vaccination Certification App (iOS and Android versions).


Web Accessibility validation Results (2024)


Designation results for public fund receiving account Registered Program Specified Public Benefits have been updated.