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Category: Policies

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JP PINT: Updated "Recent Efforts"


The 16th Technical Review Meeting on the Management and Oversight of National Information Systems was held in writing.


Budget and Settlement of Accounts: Outlines of requests for budget estimates for fiscal 2024, requests for the number of members of the Institute, and requests for the revision of tax system were posted.


Modified and updated styles and components


Government Interoperability Framework (GIF): Updated Materials


Efforts of the Digital Promotion Committee: We have updated the information on the courses held in area and the list of companies and organizations that are cooperating with us.


The Mynaportal Demonstration Beta Version was Released


The Catalog of Services and Systems Supporting Digital implementation Good Practices (1st edition) has been updated


Core business systems support for the unification and standardization of transition in local governments was posted.


Sole proprietorships can now apply for and issue a gBizID Prime account online