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Manual for Inspection and Review of Analog Regulations by Local Governments

In Digital Agency, the "Manual for Examination and Review of Analog Regulations in Local Public Entities" was created to introduce the national approach to examination and review of local public entities and the efforts of leading organizations, as well as to serve as a reference for each prefecture and municipality (including special wards) to establish the necessary promotion system and work procedures for examination and review of analog regulations in each laws and ordinances.


Manual for Inspection and Review of Analog Regulations by Local Governments

Version 3.0 (Published March 26, 2025)

With the cooperation of leading organizations and experts, the manual was revised and published as the 3.0 edition.
In this revision, in addition to enhancing the description of procedures, etc., by referring to actual examples of efforts by preceding organizations, etc., the viewpoints, etc. when local governments newly consider revisions are explained in an easy-to-understand manner.
In addition, a "Collection of Examples of Revisions to Analog Regulations," which summarizes actual examples of revisions made by the national government and leading organizations nationwide, has been prepared and published as reference materials for the manual. Please use it when considering the direction of the revisions, etc.



Version 2.0 (published on December 26, 2023)

Version 1.0 (published on November 18, 2022)

Related Initiatives

Project for Investigation of revising analog regulations Problems by Local Governments

In Digital Agency, MIC commissioned the Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc. to conduct a "Study Project on revising analog regulations Issues in Local Public Organizations" with the aim of creating model cases for local public organizations to inspect and review analog regulations. Based on the results of this study, the manual was revised and published as the 2.0 edition in December 2023.

Business results

The results report is as shown in the Report on the Investigation of Issues Related to revising analog regulations by Local Public Entities (PDF / 4,294 kb) .

Consultations, requests, etc. from local governments

In order to support the efforts of local governments across the country, we will accept consultations, requests, and questions regarding the review of revising analog regulations and procedures based on this manual.
Please feel free to contact us through the channel (#Kyoso pf _ desi _ pj _ Digital Transformation Co-Creation Platform) of Digital Reform revising analog regulations (*), the contact information of the following local people in the secretariat.

  • Email: rincho-local _ atmark _ digital. go. jp
    To prevent spam, "@" is displayed as " _ atmark _ ". When you send mail, please change " _ atmark _ " to "@" (one byte).

  • Digital Innovation Digital Transformation Co-Creation Platform #Co-creation pf _ desi _ pj _ revising analog regulations

* Digital Reform Digital Transformation Co-Creation Platform
It is a place for communication between the government and local government officials, and any local government official can participate. Using the existing community platform "Slack," it is possible to freely share information and exchange opinions. For details, please refer to Digital Reform Digital Transformation Co-Creation Platform .