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"RegTech Cafe" Talks about Efforts for regulations on paper and in-person processes Review - Uncovering the Advanced Cases of regulations on paper and in-person processes Review (Part 2)

Digital Agency regards "RegTech" as a general term for technologies that are alternatives to analog means such as visual inspection and patrolling required by regulation, and is implementing activities as the RegTech Consortium for the purpose of exchanging opinions and sharing information among parties engaged in reviewing regulation.

This time, as an exchange event of the RegTech Consortium, we held an online event "RegTech Cafe" to talk about efforts related to regulations on paper and in-person processes review while receiving questions posted on the RegTech Consortium Community (Slack).

Event Overview


1. Efforts of advanced local government "Regarding efforts of Oita prefecture toward the review of regulations on paper and in-person processes"

He introduced efforts to review regulations on paper and in-person processes in Oita prefecture, which is working to transform public service, measures, organizational culture and climate by utilizing data and digital technology.

Speaker: Ryutaro Aso, Manager of Promotion of DX Division, Oita Prefecture

Content of efforts

In Oita prefecture, based on the comprehensive review plan of regulation in light of the digital principles, we conducted a survey of regulations on paper and in-person processes and made a forecast of when the relevant provisions will be revised. Some of them will be revised during fiscal 2023 (2023), and it is scheduled to come into effect after April 2024 (2024).
As the direction of the revision in Oita Prefecture, I explained that the main objective is to expand the range of choices by enabling the use of digital tools in the form of dual writing, rather than changing analog methods to digital at once.

Speaker Comments

He commented, "Since it takes a lot of time and effort to identify the regulations on paper and in-person processes and change the regulation and rules, it is important to proceed by involving the relevant sections from the top down."
At the end of the introduction, I said, "There are various regions for the introduction of digital tools, including the cost Issue, so I would like to proceed with consideration by referring to the Technology Catalog in Digital Agency."

Question and

  • Questioner: Do you think the technology?
  • Mr. Aso (Answer): Technology has been introduced in part of the work of going to the First of all, we will change law so that digital technology can be used, and when we actually try it as a small start, we will determine whether it can be used including cost-effectiveness.
  • Questioner: Do you think the regulations on paper and in-person processes, are there any cases in which implementation has been made at this point?
  • Mr. Aso (Answer): Technology has been introduced in part of the work of going to the site and checking the list of names, etc. In the future, we would like to implement revisions, etc. and steadily promote the introduction of technology.


2. Report on the Technology validation Project

2-1. Demonstration of remote inspection automation of analog meters using a camera

Article 11 and Article 12 of the Safety Regulations for Electric Facilities for Business Use of the Oita Prefectural Enterprise Bureau There was an explanation about 's efforts to automate remote inspections using cameras regarding the "inspection of analog instruments" related to the inspection of analog instruments in demonstration projects. demonstration projects

Speaker: Yusuke Furukawa, Executive Officer in charge of AI Solutions Operations, Morpho,Inc.

Content of efforts

In Oita prefecture, analog meters at hydroelectric power plants are monitored twice a month. We introduced a demonstration plan to be implemented in the future to see if it is possible to monitor meters remotely by installing a camera, and if it is possible to measure meters by image analysis / AI, and Issue, which was identified in the course of constructing a system environment for the demonstration.

Speaker Comments

He said, "We would like to discuss Issue and other matters for introduction in demonstration projects, such as functions, interfaces, and system configurations that are easy to use in the field, and the number of cameras required from the viewpoint of ROI."

Question and

  • Questioner: Do you think the technology?
  • Mr. Furukawa (Answer): From the perspective of (Answer): I think it would be good to proceed in the form of comparing cost effectiveness and ROI after design of which parts will be automated and which parts will be checked by people, including the work flow after the introduction of the Furukawa technology, and how to improve it so that people can notice where there are problems in operation.
  • Questioner: Do you think the , and what does the cloud use?
  • Mr. Furukawa (Answer): From the perspective of (Answer): The power source for the Furukawa camera is necessary. In some cases, it is installed in a place where the power source cannot be taken from nearby. Therefore, we are studying whether it is possible to supply PoE power from the Internet line by rearranging the module. The cloud uses AWS servers.
  • Questioner: Do you think the ?
  • Mr. Furukawa (Answer): From the perspective of cost reduction and security, we store data in the local on-preserver, not in the cloud. We adopt a mechanism in which video is transferred directly from the local on-preserver to the client PC P2P.


2-2. Demonstration of field surveys of natural objects using drones, etc.

Article 23 of Oita Prefecture Environmental Greening regulation With regard to the field survey of , an explanation was given on demonstration projects's efforts to conduct field surveys of natural objects using drones, etc.

Speaker: Miaki Nakauchi, General Manager of Communication Solution Group, Technology Department, Oita Branch, Kyushu Electric Power Company, Incorporated

Content of efforts

Regarding the field survey related to the designation of protected trees and shrubs and protected trees forests, we introduced the demonstration contents of whether or not it is possible to substitute the field confirmation by utilizing laser survey and photographing by drones, AI analytics using that, Geographic Information System (GIS) information, etc., whether or not it is possible to continuously monitor protected trees and shrubs and trees with IoT sensors and cameras, and whether or not the obtained information can be disclosed as Web-GIS and used in various ways.

Speaker Comments

Prime Minister Abe commented, "I believe that more efficient investigations than at present will be possible due to technological progress in drones aircraft, legal amendments that will enable efficient drones flights, and improvements in 3D and image processing technology."

Question and

  • Questioner: Do you think the technology?
  • Mr. Nakauchi (Answer): The drones is a very useful technology because it can cut out the "now" with high accuracy with photos and 3D models, and can be looked back and compared later. Since the drones requires not only flight but also advance preparation such as flight plan, flight application, and aircraft selection, and data processing after flight, I think it is better to consider the introduction of the runway after including such costs.
  • Questioner: Do you think the drones technology, what kind of Issue is there in terms of use environments such as wind power and moisture?
  • Mr. Nakauchi (Answer): The drones cannot be flown if the rain or wind is strong, and it cannot be flown because the battery cannot be used whether the temperature is high or low. We are covering such a Issue by setting a reserve day and storing the battery in a hot and cold storage. I hope that it will be solved by the technical progress of the drones airframe.


2-3. Demonstration of remote inspection of facilities and equipment, etc. using a remote audit system, etc.

Article 8 of the Detailed Regulations for Enforcement of the Explosives Control Act Regarding the on-site investigation of , an explanation was given on demonstration projects's efforts to remotely inspect facilities and equipment using a remote inspection system, etc.

Speaker: Yoshiki Kawano, Deputy Director, Overseas Cooperation Promotion Office, OC DX, Co., Ltd.

Content of efforts

In Oita prefecture, we confirmed the safe storage condition of explosives at the site for companies that handle explosives. We demonstrated remote inspection of facilities and equipment using a remote audit system. As a result, it was evaluated that the unique web conference system has operability and accuracy equal to or higher than that of visual inspection, and there is no particular problem with voice. Therefore, it was suggested that the examination work can be performed more efficiently than before from the viewpoint of reducing costs such as time and effort related to movement.

Speaker Comments

He commented, "There is no particular problem with the remote inspection itself, and the time required for the inspection is significantly reduced due to the reduction of travel time, etc., so the inspection can be conducted more efficiently than before. Since the system is not used every day, it may be better to use it jointly with other projects such as regulation, which is conducting a similar field survey."

Question and

  • Questioner: Do you think the technology?
  • Kawano (Answer): camera by watching them. With the improvement of smartphone performance, some smartphone cameras can be used for remote shooting, so I think it is an easy system to introduce. By making it remote, the cost for moving will be reduced, but if the system is not used frequently, I think the point will be how to control the cost and use the system efficiently.
  • Questioner: Do you think the web conference format can be used in other fields?
  • Kawano (Answer): The web conference system used for demonstration projects this time was originally development for online medical consultation, so I think it can be used in various fields as long as it can be handled remotely.


3. About Technology Map

In order for the ministries and agencies in charge of regulation to autonomously promote the review of digital implementation and regulation based on technology trends, there was an explanation of the utilization method of Digital Agency, which was disclosed by Technology Map in October 2023 and organized and visualization the correspondence relationship between regulation and technology.

Speaker: Kumiko Takahashi, Researcher, Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.


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