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Initiatives related to technology verification projects


In Digital Agency, for revising analog regulations based on digital principles, technical verification is carried out from the viewpoint of confirming security and effectiveness in cooperation with regulatory authorities and local governments.



Technical verification projects in fiscal 2024 (fiscal 2024)

Interim report

Result of the adoption

Closed issue

Technical verification projects in fiscal 2023 (fiscal 2023)

In fiscal 2023 (fiscal 2023), JOGMEC conducted a public tender of business operators after classifying the applicable provisions into 14 categories. As a result of the public tender, 32 technical verification projects (selected projects) were implemented. Please refer to the following materials for an overview of the technical verification projects and the results of the verification.

For the details of the technical verification projects in fiscal 2023 (fiscal 2023), please refer to the following pages for each type. No projects were selected for Type 2.

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