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Type 12: Demonstration of work substitution conducted by persons with specific skills and experience using remote operation, cameras, etc.


We will make a validation on whether it is possible to replace the regulation that requires the permanent or full-time assignment of persons with specific skills and experience by using digital technologies such as remote operation and cameras.


  • On March 29, 2024, the final report of all selected projects was published.

List of selected companies

Co., Ltd. Ridge-i

  • Address: Otemachi Building 438, 1-6-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
  • Founded: 2016
  • Representative: Naofumi Yanagihara
  • Outline of demonstration: By utilizing cameras, sensors, etc., and constructing a remote monitoring system, it will be demonstrated whether it is possible to perform work without having a person with specific skills and experience stationed at the hatchery for the task of determining the health status of chicks.
  • Target business (law): Business of a person who has the skills and experience at the hatchery specified in Article 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 of the Poultry Promotion Act
  • Operator's website: Co., Ltd. Ridge-i

See below for the validation results.

Related Information
