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Results and Progress: Achieving a Resilient Digital infrastructure in safty and security

In Digital Agency, we aim to realize a resilient Digital infrastructure in safty and security.

Government Solution Services (GSS)

Digitally transforming working environments in public authorities

We provide a public authorities that employs the latest security technology to improve the productivity and security of government employee work flexibility with improved productivity and security employees and to enable them to work flexibly.
Due to the spread of the novel coronavirus, digitalization in remote work and other regions has accelerated. In the LAN system and network environments that have been developed for each public authorities, it has been difficult to cooperate between organization. There have been Issue.

Annual Results and Progress

Further promote GSS transition in each ministries and agencies. Provide a comfortable work environment in public authorities.
In addition to the five ministries and agencies until August 2023, Government Solution Services (GSS) have been introduced in Imperial Household Agency (September 2023), the Cabinet Office (including the Cabinet Secretariat) (December 2023), the Reconstruction Agency (December 2023), Consumer Affairs Agency (January 2024), and Japan Casino Regulatory Commission (February 2024) over the past year (September 2023 to August 2024). Each ministries and agencies is also using GSS to realize a more comfortable work environment than ever before.

Future development (planned)

Further promotion of GSS transition by each ministry and agency
*The following are scheduled to be introduced, and discussions are underway with other ministries and agencies.

  • Cabinet Legislation Bureau (November 2024)
  • FSA (twenty twenty-five in January)
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (twenty twenty-five: February)
  • Ministry of the Environment (twenty twenty-five: May)

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Government Cloud

Cloud service Begins Full-Scale Operations

We will develop a safe, convenient and efficient public authorities system in which cloud service can be used.
Until now, public authorities has been conducting development of business systems in their own ways. On the other hand, the convenience, security, and speed of the services provided by the government have been varied, and the burden of business and costs has been Issue. Therefore, we have established a mechanism in which all public authorities and local governments can jointly use administrative systems as cloud service.

Annual Results and Progress

Full-scale use of Government Cloud started in each ministries and agencies and local governments.
We provided technical support to the Cabinet Office and each Ministry, local governments, and semi-public sector, and supported the full-scale use of Government Cloud. In November 2023, "Sakura Cloud" (with conditions to meet all requirements by the end of fiscal 2025) was decided as a new cloud service. In addition, in order for the national government to pay the usage fees of the national government and local governments, etc. in a lump sum to the cloud service provider, we proceeded with consideration of a mechanism to store the cloud usage fees of local governments, etc., with the aim of using it from twenty twenty-five. Government Cloud

Future development (planned)

  • Continue to check the progress on a quarterly basis to determine whether Sakura Cloud will be able to meet all technical requirements by the end of fiscal 2025 as planned, and publish the results of the check.
  • Continue to consider a mechanism to store cloud usage fees of local governments, etc. with the aim of using it from twenty twenty-five

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International Strategy, DFFT

Into the world's leading digital government

We will promote International Strategy such as strengthening international cooperation and DFFT (Data Free Flow with Trust) by sharing technology and knowledge, and aim to become the world's leading digital government.
While data is essential for global business promotion and Issue solutions, a regulatory cooperation and technological collaboration mechanism is required to enable the reliable use of data across countries while ensuring security and privacy. In addition, countries are facing the same problems as Japan in digitalization, and are required to cooperate in solving them.

Annual Results and Progress

Establishment and promotion of the Institutional Arrangement for Partnership (IAP) (IAP) to realize DFFT (Data Free Flow with Trust).
At the G7 Hiroshima Summit in May 2023, the establishment of the Institutional Arrangement for Partnership (IAP) for DFFT (Data Free Flow with Trust) was approved, and it was agreed to be established under the OECD in December 2023. While promoting the project in cooperation with ASEAN through the IAP, at the OECD Ministerial Council Meeting in May 2024, which was chaired by the Japanese government, it was agreed to start discussions on strengthening the IAP for organization. We are working in an integrated manner at home and abroad to improve the framework (international data governance) that promotes data connections and protection measures across borders, industries, etc. In addition, throughout the year, we signed Memorandam of Cooperation (MoC) with each country and promoted mutual learning by sharing digital transformation's experience. We are deepening discussions on cooperation and collaboration in the technology field not only with G7 member countries but also with G20, Global South, Asian, Nordic, and Middle Eastern countries.

Future development (planned)

We will promote DFFT (Data Free Flow with Trust) at the following meetings.

  • G20 Digital Economy Ministers' Meeting
  • G7 Digital Tech Ministers' Meeting
  • Japan-U. K. Digital Partnership Government-level
  • Conclusion of new bilateral memorandums of cooperation, sharing of knowledge through expert meetings, etc. with countries that have concluded such memorandums, and exchange of human resources

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Optimization of Government Information Systems

Implement necessary measures and optimize government information systems

The next five years will be an "intensive action period" to promote the optimization of DX and government information systems, and the system will be strengthened.
On both the supply-side and the demand-side, it is important to think about Japan's resources from the perspective of ensuring that the limited labor force and time are used productively and efficiently. As a basic direction, on the supply-side, we will take steps to avoid overlapping investment in digitalization, to avoid resources sticking to old technologies, and to contribute to resource development. By doing so, we will be consistent with trends in industry, and on the demand-side, we will eliminate waste and inconvenience by reducing the workload related to government business efficiency, IT procurement, and operation, and improving user convenience.

Annual Results and Progress

In order to optimize the entire government information system, efforts will be made from the perspective of "visualization" of cost-effectiveness.
With the aim of providing a convenient and high-quality experience for both the demand-side and the supply-side, we will continue to work on the target of reducing operating expenses, etc. of government information systems by 30% based on the results of the three pronged approach of systems, business, and systems, and will announce the achievement status based on the annual settlement of accounts. In addition, we will quantitatively visualization the cost effectiveness of information system-related expenses using the framework of the Administrative Project Review Sheet to maximize the overall effects obtained by convenience, such as user efficiency, control and reduction of future information system expenses, administrative digitalization, and economic effects from the creation of new services and business opportunities.

Future development (planned)

  • In order to improve the convenience of users, Digital Agency will promote the integration and standardization of government information systems through the supervision and supervision of government information systems, facilitate cooperation with private service, and integrally promote the reform of public service from the viewpoint of users and the reform of information systems.
    Therefore, Digital Agency will implement centralized project management of government information systems in cooperation with each ministries and agencies PMO from the viewpoint of whether or not each project is based on information systems development policies.
  • Based on the policies for the development of information systems, each ministries and agencies will, under the leadership of the Digital Agency, promote business process reengineering (BPR), thoroughly utilize common functions, integrate and consolidate systems, and so on, in order to control the cost of system upgrades among the operating and maintenance costs of fixed information systems. The Government as a whole will continue to aim to reduce the cost of system upgrades by 30% by the time of twenty twenty-five from the total of approximately 540 billion yen of the operating and maintenance costs of government information systems as of FY 2020.
  • In addition, each ministries and agencies will not only control the cost of information systems, but will also validation whether the effects obtained by the digitalization, such as the convenience of users, the efficiency of administration, and the economic effects from the creation of new services and business opportunities, are commensurate with the maintenance expenses and operation expenses required in the life cycle of the related information systems. In this way, each will maximize the overall cost effectiveness, constantly work to improve productivity, and visualization these efforts.

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Strengthening cybersecurity Measures in Digital Agency

Promotion of the concept of consistent security measure from planning to operation (security by Design).
Digital Agency, which builds and operates the common infrastructure of the government and the certification systems of citizens and companies, will work to strengthen the resilience of the system and develop and strengthen the operation, monitoring and incident response system, including the construction and operation of the comprehensive operation and monitoring system. In doing so, we will work to strengthen security, including the construction of a system premised on security measure by Design, and will steadily advance the necessary validation and audit by Digital Agency's expert team and the Information-Technology Promotion Agency (IPA). In addition, in cooperation with the Cyber security Center (NISC), we will promote rapid response to vulnerabilities by building and expanding the Continuous Risk Diagnosis and Response (CRSA) system, and will work to strengthen security of government information systems, including cross-government information collection and analysis and analysis of attacks.

Annual Results and Progress

It aims to improve convenience and secure cybersecurity at the same time.
For the government information services supervised by Digital Agency, we have developed a framework for comprehensive operation monitoring aimed at improving IT governance in Digital Agency by building a mechanism to support IT management and understanding the overall status of the provision of each service. In addition, we have conducted a survey and research project on implementation for the Continuous Risk Diagnosis and Response (CRSA) system, and have constructed a system to periodically collect and analyze data necessary for cyber security risk diagnosis for infrastructure systems of leading ministries and agencies. In order to promote the expansion of cloud-by-default in public authorities and other areas, we have promoted registration for ISMAP-LIU (Low-Impact Use) of the "security Evaluation Scheme for cloud service in Government Information Systems" (ISMAP). We have received questions and consultations about registration at a consultation counter established in Digital Agency and provided advice for registration.

Future development (planned)

  • By the end of FY 2024, we will develop a comprehensive operation and monitoring system to grasp the overall service provision status of government information systems developed by Digital Agency. We will proceed with the construction of a comprehensive operation monitoring system, the expansion of functions, and the expansion of monitored systems.
  • We will develop the Continuous Risk Assessment and Response (CRSA) system by the end of fiscal 2024, expand its functions, and gradually expand the ministries and agencies in which the system is used.
  • Since it is essential to balance the enhancement of convenience from the people's point of view with the securement of public service, including the stable and safe provision of cybersecurity to the people, we will strengthen cybersecurity in Digital Agency by steadily taking measures.

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Disaster risk management DX

Using digital technology in all areas of disaster risk management

We will build a foundation to link necessary data so that all people can receive appropriate support in the event of a disaster.
It is required to provide detailed support according to the situation of each resident through local governments, etc. so that normal times and residents can thoroughly prepare for disasters from disaster risk management Apps and take actions to protect their lives in the event of disasters.

Annual Results and Progress

A system for promoting disaster risk management Apps development and utilization for resident support will be developed.
In order to promote the use of excellent applications and services in the disaster risk management field development in private sector, we released the disaster risk management DX Service Map and disaster risk management DX Service Catalog. In addition, in Disaster Risk Management DX Public-Private Co-Creation Council, which was launched at the request of Digital Agency, a total of 460 members of the council, including private business and local governments (as of the end of July 2024), are discussing the realization of disaster risk management DX.

Future development (planned)

  • Implement initiatives to realize Disaster Risk Management DX Public-Private Co-Creation Council DX in cooperation with disaster risk management
  • Creation of a local governments and future cooperation and utilization with a digital marketplace will be examined and implemented (by the end of fiscal 2024) so that excellent services can be smoothly procurement in model specification, etc.
  • Continued implementation of demonstration experiments to support residents in the event of disasters using My Number Card (during fiscal 2024)
  • Conducted prototype demonstration for the construction of data connections infrastructure (during fiscal 2024)

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