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Digital Agency Annual Report 2024

Image on the cover of the Digital Agency Annual Report

Three years have passed since the establishment of Digital Agency. This page reports on our activities from September 2023 to August 2024.
The same content is also available in PDF format for your convenience.
Digital Agency Annual Report (September 2023 to August 2024) (PDF / 2,893 kb)

  1. Introduction
  2. Results based on the data
  3. Achievements and Progress

Interview video


An illustration of five men and women of all ages standing in front of each other.

What is an Annual Report?

Sharing the current location of digitalisation in society and the achievements of Digital Agency to the people and stakeholders

On September 1, 2021, Digital Agency was inaugurated as the control tower for the realization of the Japanese digital society.

With the aim of creating a society in which no one is left behind and a variety of happiness can be realized, Digital Agency will lead efforts to promote digitalisation in society as a whole in cooperation with the national and local governments, private sector, and other relevant parties.

Based on the current location of digitalisation in society and the latest information, this document shares with the people and stakeholders the results of measures taken by Digital Agency over the past year (from September 2023 to August 2024) and the progress of digital applications.

Society that aims to use digital technology

A society where the use of digital technology makes it possible to choose services that meet the needs of each individual and to achieve a variety of happiness

The digitalisation of society as a whole should be a "people-friendly digitalisation" premised on safe and secure, while improving the convenience of people's lives, streamlining the work of the public and private sectors, and making the best use of data.
Advances in digital technology have made it possible to provide services tailored to each individual's situation at a low cost, enabling a diverse range of citizens and users to have valuable experiences.
Our goal with the use of digital technology is to further promote this and create a society where no one is left behind and where diverse happiness can be achieved.

Six Visions for the Digital Society
  1. Digitalisation Growth Strategies
    We will raise the productivity and digital competitiveness of society as a whole and aim for a sustainable society that grows.
  2. Digitalisation of semi-public sector for medical care, education, disaster prevention, children, etc.
    Promote the utilization of data across disciplines between the public and private sectors and between service providers, and provide services that are optimal for each citizen.
  3. Regional revitalization through digitalisation
    We aim to realize a society in which the attractiveness of the region is improved and sustainability is ensured.
  4. Digital society where no one left behind
    We aim to realize a digital society in which everyone can enjoy the benefits of digitalisation on a daily basis.
  5. Fostering and securing digital human resources
    We will realize a digital society in which digital human resources are cultivated and secured.
  6. International Strategy, including the promotion of DFFT
    We aim to realize a society in which reliable and free data distribution across borders is possible.

Digital Agency Action Policies

Mission, Vision and Values

In Digital Agency, we have established a Mission, Vision and Values and we operate based on this.

More: Achieving a Resilient digital infrastructure in the Mission, Vision and Values

Formulation of the Priority Plan

Formulation of Priority Plan for the Realization of a Digital Society

The "Priority Plan for the Realization of a Digital Society" has been formulated, which specifies measures that the government should implement promptly and intensively so that related parties can work together to promote the vision of the digital society.

More: Achieving a Resilient digital infrastructure in the for the Realization of the Priority Plan Digital Society

Results based on the data

An illustration of a person holding a bar and using it to point to a bar chart in the background.


It covers social awareness of digitalisation and administrative services, the provision of people-friendly services, the promotion of growth strategies, and progress in building a safe and secure digital infrastructure.

More: Achieving a Resilient digital infrastructure in the Society

Digital Agency

The report covers Digital Agency's organizational structure, operational efficiency and productivity improvement, safety and transparent initiatives, and Digital Agency's organizational development.

More: Achieving a Resilient digital infrastructure in the Digital Agency

Achievements and Progress

This is a close-up illustration of two people passing the baton.

Digital Agency Focus Areas and Project Composition

Promoting projects based on the three focus areas in Digital Agency

Three focus areas for Digital Agency were defined in fiscal 2022 as information necessary for business promotion and decision-making.
In Digital Agency, all projects are linked to one of these areas and are integrated into the decision making process for business operations.

Specifically, the results of each project are linked to important indicators in the three focus areas, and are used for human resource management and cost management in accordance with the risk status of the project.

In this way, we are promoting projects that realize the optimal allocation of valuable human resources while keeping in mind the indicators to be achieved in our focus areas.

Digital Agency's Focus Areas and Project Structure Diagram. Priority Plan is linked to the three focus areas of

Providing services that are friendly to consumers, businesses and employees

  • My Number System
  • My Number Card diffusion and utilization
  • Mynaportal
  • Digital Authentication App
  • Standardization of local government systems
  • Public service mesh
  • Data preparation
  • Public money receiving account
  • JGrants and gBizID
  • e-Gov
  • Design system accessibility
  • Public Basic Information Database (Base Registry)
  • Development of national and local digital common infrastructure
  • Policy Dashboard

More: Achieving a Resilient digital infrastructure in the Residents, Businesses and Staff

digital infrastructure

  • Quasi-public
    • Health, medical care, and nursing care
    • Education
    • Mobility
  • Digital invoice
  • Visit Japan Web
  • Revising analog regulations
  • Digital Legislation (Integrated Reform of Systems, Work and Administration)
  • Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation (1)
  • Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation ②
  • Modernization of industry
  • Data space
  • AI
  • Trust, digital identity wallet

More: Achieving a Resilient digital infrastructure in the digital infrastructure

safe and secure

  • Government Solution Services (GSS)
  • Government cloud
  • International Strategy, International Strategy, including the promotion of DFFT
  • Optimization of Government Information Systems
  • Security
  • Disaster Prevention DX

More: Achieving a Resilient digital infrastructure in the safe and secure

Digital Agency

More: Achieving a Resilient digital infrastructure in the Digital Agency

Update History

Updated September 2, 2024

  • Part of page 8 of the press release for the Digital Agency Annual Report has been revised.

Updated September 4, 2024

  • Some of the press conference materials for the Digital Agency Annual Report have been revised.
    • On page 5, there was an error in the legend of satisfaction with use, so I corrected it (correct: B, I can't say either way, C, I'm not satisfied).
    • On page 10, the description of My Number Card's ownership of administrative services for residents was corrected (correct: owned by about 75% of the population)
    • On page 16, there was an error in the legend of the approval of the digital society, so I corrected it (correct: A, I think it's good, B, I can't say either way, C, I don't think it's good).
    • On page 16, there was an error in the legend of the adaptation to the digital society, so I corrected it (correct: A, I can adapt, B, I can't say either way, C, I can't adapt).
    • On page 16, there was an error in the legend of satisfaction with administrative services, so I corrected it (correct: B, I cannot say either way, C, I am not satisfied).
    • On page 29, there was an error in the number of employees, so I corrected it (correct: 2021.9, 2022.7, 2023.7, 2024.7)
    • On page 29, there was an error in the legend of the staff composition, so I corrected it (correct: from a local government)
    • On page 30, there was an error in the section "Thorough Protection of Personal Information," which has been corrected. (Correct: Personal Information Protection Training Participation Rate)
    • On page 30, a supplementary note has been added regarding the three initiatives in project management and evaluation (Addendum: [Initiatives in project management]).
    • On page 32, there was an error in the year and month of the staff's organizational reliability, so I corrected it (correct: 2021.11, 2022.5, 2022.11, 2023.11).
    • On page 38, there was an error in the description of strengthening cooperation between the Cabinet Office and ministries and agencies, so I corrected it. (Correct: Implementation of the Liaison Conference for the Promotion of DX by each Cabinet Office and Ministries)