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Category: Policies

When you select it, you will be redirected to the corresponding category list page.


We responded to inquiries from business operators based on the gray zone elimination system.


Unification and standardization of core business systems in local governments: Updated the status of the event


Efforts of the Digital Promotion Committee: We updated the application guidelines, etc.


We have posted benefit, etc. that can be received using public fund receiving account.


We released the results of a questionnaire / preliminary survey on the area Happiness Indicator (Well-Being Indicator) in Digital Garden City.


Global site:Visit Japan Web Instruction Manual


We have updated our activity report for the first year since the establishment of Digital Agency.


Visit Japan Web Service "Operation Manual" has been updated.


We announced the outline of the Digital Day "Online Event" and the winners of the good digital award


Mobility: We updated our recent efforts

Press Kit

Press Contact

Email address: pr _ atmark _ digital. go. jp

*To prevent spam mail, "@" is displayed as " _ atmark _ ".
When you send an email, please change " _ atmark _ " to "@" (one byte).

Reference Information

The press room was renovated on June 24, 2022.
Historical information can be found below.