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Hiring of new graduates

Let's go and open a new door.

Today, the significance of the digital society is being talked about more than ever. Efforts to break down the barriers that prevent digital transformation are being accelerated. Under these circumstances, we must never lose sight of what digitalisation is for. We will thoroughly consider it from the perspective of the people of Japan and present a vision and direction. We will incorporate it into concrete measures. We will make every effort to gain their understanding. We, Digital Agency, will shoulder that mission.

There are various ministries and agencies in the government, and they are independently promoting the mission. In contrast, Digital Agency is a new organization that connects vertically divided ministries and agencies. It has a comprehensive coordination function and builds an information system that connects the national government, local governments and each ministry and agency. In order to provide convenient and comfortable services to the people, we will implement administrative reform using digital technology and promote cooperation.

Hiring Flow

The flow up to the time of adoption consists mainly of the following three steps.

  1. Information gathering
    In Digital Agency, various events including business briefings are held throughout the year. In addition, information on policies and initiatives, organizational culture, etc. in Digital Agency is disseminated through notes, social media, Digital Agency News, etc.
    Please refer to the Event and Briefing Session for information on business briefing sessions, events, and other information. We provide information on policies, business, people, and organizational culture in the Digital Agency, so please make use of it when choosing a career path.
  2. National Personnel Authority national government officer test
    Every year, an examination guide is published on the National Personnel Authority website. For details, please check the National Personnel Authority national government officer Exam Employment Information NAVI . The examination period and contents vary depending on the type of examination. In addition, Digital Agency hires from all examination categories, regardless of whether they are administrative or technical.
  3. Visit to government offices
    This is an important step for candidates to be employed by the government agency of their choice, as they visit the government agency of their choice to receive business explanations and interviews. The schedule and other information will be published on the National Personnel Authority website, so please check the National Personnel Authority national government officer Exam Employment Information NAVI . Please check the on Selection (Government Agency Visit) for the schedule and how to make reservations for government agency visits to. Digital Agency

Visit to Government Offices (Selection in Digital Agency)

Event and Briefing Session

About Digital Agency

Jobs, People and Environments in Digital Agency

For inquiries regarding this page

Digital Agency Recruiter
Phone: 03 6771 8180
Email: saiyo _ atmark _ digital. go. jp
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