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Defining the Datum: A Dashboard on the Survey of Attitudes towards Social digitalisation and Digital Government Services

About the definition of each data

*Percentages are rounded to the nearest whole number, so the total may not add up to 100%.

Considering the digitalisation of society to be good

In response to the question "What do you think about the progress of' social digitalisation'?"

  • "I think it's good" is the total of "I think it's very good" and "I think it's good."
  • "Not good" is the total of "not very good" and "not good at all".

I think I'm adapting to the digitalisation of society.

In response to the question "Do you think you are keeping up with (adapting to) the changes in' social digitalisation'?"

  • "I can keep up with you" is the total of "I can keep up with you" and "I can keep up with you somehow".
  • "Not being able to keep up" is the total of "sometimes not being able to keep up" and "not being able to keep up at all".

Know about digital government services

In response to the question "Have you used digital administrative services?"

  • The sum of "I knew but have not used", "I have not used within the past year but have used before", and "I have used within the past year" for optional digital administrative services

Trust in digital government services

In response to the question "How much do you trust the' digital administrative services provided by the government and local governments'?"

  • "I trust you" is the total of "I trust you very much" and "I trust you well"
  • "Do not trust" is the total of "Do not trust much" and "Do not trust at all"

Using digital administrative services even once

In response to the question "Have you used digital administrative services?"

  • For voluntary digital administrative services, the total of "not used within the past year, but used before" and "used within the past year"

Be satisfied with digital government services

In response to the question, "How satisfied are you overall with using the' digital administrative services provided by the government and local governments'?"

  • "Satisfied" is the total of "Very satisfied" and "Fairly satisfied"
  • "Not satisfied" is the total of "not very satisfied" and "not satisfied at all"

I want to continue to use digital government services

In response to the question "How much would you like to use' digital administrative services provided by the government and local governments' in the future?"

  • "I want to use it" is the total of "I want to use it very much" and "I want to use it well"
  • "Do not want to use" is the total of "Do not want to use very much" and "Do not want to use at all"

I would like to use digital administrative services rather than over-the-counter procedures

In response to the question "Which do you want to use in the future,' digital administrative services provided by the government and local governments' or' procedures at the counter of the government and local governments'?'"

  • "Want to use" is the total of "Want to use digital administrative services" and "Prefer to use digital administrative services" out of "Digital administrative services provided by government / local government" and "Procedures at the counter of government / local government".
  • "I would like to use contact center service" is the total of "I would rather use contact center service" and "I would like to use contact center service"