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Defining Data: A Dashboard on Collaborative Procurement for Local Government Systems with a Focus on Prefectures

Definitions of Data and Values

The various date used in the dashboard were collected by the Secretariat of the Cabinet Secretariat Digital Administrative and Fiscal Reform Council and Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications with the cooperation of each prefecture.


  1. General
    1-1. Joint Procurement
  2. Status of joint procurement
    2-1. Types of Systems
  3. Examples and details of joint procurement
    3-1. Number of participating local governments
    3-2. Population Size
    3-3. Staff Size
    3-4. Initial Cost Scale and Annual Operating Cost Scale
  4. Status of joint procurement by system type
    4-1. System Introduction Period
    4-2. Expenses Borne by Prefectures
    4-3. Subsidies
    4-4. Legend (No Data)

1. General

1-1. Joint Procurement

Procurement of a system from a single operator based on a single set of specifications agreed upon by the participating organizations (including joint use).

2. Status of joint procurement

2-1. Types of Systems

Among the responses from prefectures, the number of systems with two or more procurement records in Japan is tabulated for each system. Systems with only one procurement record are classified as "others."

3. List and details of joint procurement cases

3-1. Number of participating local governments

The total number of municipalities participating in the joint procurement (excluding prefectures, some administrative associations, and other organizations).

3-2. Population Size

The total population of municipalities participating in the joint procurement.
Figures are rounded down to the nearest 10,000 and are based on the population, population dynamics and number of households (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications) based on the Basic Resident Register.
* Fiscal 2022 figures

3-3. Staff Size

The total number of employees of prefectures and municipalities participating in the joint procurement.
Figures are calculated from the Survey on Local Public Body Capacity Management (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications) and are rounded down to the nearest 0.1 thousand.
* Fiscal 2022 figures

3-4. Initial Cost Scale and Annual Operating Cost Scale

The amount of money (the total amount of expenses required by all participating organizations) answered by prefectures is totaled within the following range.

  • Less than 5 million yen
  • Less than 5 million - 10 million
  • Less than 10 million - 30 million
  • 30 million - less than 50 million
  • 50 million - less than 100 million
  • Less than 100 million - 500 million
  • 500 million or higher

4. Status of joint procurement by system type

4-1. System Introduction Period

The first year and month when the corresponding system was introduced through joint procurement (if the introduction time is unknown, the delivery deadline specified in the tender documentation, specifications, etc.).

4-2. Expenses Borne by Prefectures

"Yes" indicates that all or part of the cost of introducing the system in the municipality is covered by the prefecture, and "No" indicates that the system is not covered by the prefecture.

4-3. Subsidies

"Yes" indicates the use of government subsidies (government subsidies and issue funds), and "No" indicates the use of other subsidies.

4-4. Legend (No Data)

For the items of system development environment, presence or absence of cost sharing by prefectures, and presence or absence of subsidies, "no data" is used for all blank, unknown, -, and blank columns.