Quality Evaluation Indicators (Beta) and Training Materials for Open Data Initiatives
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Flowchart for local government to understand the current status of efforts and Issue We have created a diagnostic and quality evaluation indicator for efforts. Please use it to review your open data efforts.
Please use the open data training materials as well depending on the status of efforts and the level of understanding of employees.
- Flow Chart Diagnostic and Quality Evaluation Indicators of Efforts Commentary Article (PDF / 761 kb)
1. Open Data Where to Start? Flowchart Diagnostics
This is a flowchart diagnostic for those who are new to open data and don't know where to start with open data.
2. Quality Indicators for Open Data Initiatives (Beta)
In the Open Data Initiative Quality Evaluation Indicator, we will self-evaluate the status of open data initiatives in local government from the following five perspectives.
- Promotion System
- Scope of disclosure
- Operation
- Data Quality
- Co-creation and cooperation
Based on the results of the evaluation sheet, please use it to review the efforts and determine the action policy for the next fiscal year.
3. Open Data Training Materials
It explains from basic knowledge on open data to promotion of utilization.
To select text, refer to the figure below and select Easy Introduction, Beginner, or Intermediate.
- Open Data Training Video (Digital Agency YouTube Channel)
*You can view each video of the easy introduction (about 11 minutes), beginner (about 17 minutes), and intermediate (about 29 minutes). - Easy Introduction: PPTX (10,640 kb) / PDF (1,269 kb) (updated May 27, 2024) Comprehensibility testing
- Beginner's Edition: PPTX (16,263 kb) / PDF (2,852 kb) (updated May 27, 2024) Comprehensibility testing
- Intermediate: PPTX (15,840 kb) / PDF (1,878 kb) (updated May 27, 2024) Comprehensibility testing
The following figure shows the content image of the training video (easy introduction version).
4. Workshop Catalog
Learn about open data workshops.
If you are in local government and would like to support the workshop, please check "Open Data Support Organization" .
- Workshop Catalog: PPTX (24,628 kb) PDF (2,014 kb) (updated March 31, 2023)
A content image of the workshop catalog is shown in the figure below.