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Category: Policies
Budget and settlement of accounts: The status of contracts for commissioned research expenses for fiscal 2022 is posted.
The Catalog of Services and Systems Supporting Digital implementation Good Practices (1st edition) has been updated
Budget and Settlement of Accounts: Fiscal 2024 "Estimated Budget Request" and "Policy Evaluation Report" are posted.
We will conduct a demonstration experiments on My Number Card utilization in the entertainment area.
Japan-EU Digital Partnership Council held
RegTech Consortium Overview Material Updated
Launch of the Japan-EU Digital Partnership
Visit Japan Web Service Important Notice Updated
Efforts of the Digital Promotion Committee: We have updated the information on the courses held in area and the list of companies and organizations that are cooperating with us.
Results of the Public Offering of education to Participate in the Empirical Research for the Realization of data connections of local governments Data-related in Fiscal 2023