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Category: Policies

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(Application end) The second GIGA School local government pitch will be held.


I attended the 2nd Peppol Authority Workshop between MEDC and DAJ in Kuala Lumpur.


Privacy Policy for "law × Digital Workshop" and "law API Prototype Release testing" has been updated.


The List of Products and Services that Realize digitalization for Visiting Inspection and Public Inspection (List of Products and Services with Essential Items) has been updated.


The 2nd business improvement related to "Survey and Research on Digital demonstration experiments of Refugee Support Services for Wide-area Disasters" was conducted.


Explanation of Systems in My Number System information linkages Updated the list of available administrative procedures and optional documents


We posted the Digital Yorozu Consultation Office in Maebashi City, Gunma Prefecture, for lectures held in area.


Digital Marketplace (DMP) testing Site Launched Search Feature for public authorities


FAQ on Data Requirements and Cooperation Requirements Standard Specifications (General) and (Details) has been updated.


[For those who have not replied by the deadline or have not solved the problem due to omission, etc.] We will mail a letter to delete the account that is highly likely to have no deposit account registered in the name of the person himself with public fund receiving account (as of February 29, 2024).