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Promoting growth strategies through the development of Digital infrastructure

In Digital Agency, we will promote growth strategies by developing Digital infrastructure.

Digital Extraordinary Administrative Advisory Committee

Unlock the digital future
We will eliminate delays in visual inspection by reviewing analog regulation that require digitalization by people and resident / dedicated staff.

Annual Results and Progress

A road map for the review of about 10,000 provision in law, which defines regulations on paper and in-person processes, has been finalized.
At the 6th Digital Extraordinary Administrative Advisory Committee held in December 2022, the decision was made to review the approximately 10,000 provision in law, which specify regulations on paper and in-person processes such as visual inspection regulation, regular inspection regulation, and resident / full-time regulation. In cooperation with the ministries and agencies responsible for law, we will eliminate regulations on paper and in-person processes by June 2024. The economic effect (GDP) of this review is estimated to be approximately 3.6 trillion yen. progress schedule for reviewing regulations on paper and in-person processes of digital principles

Number of provision decided to be reviewed: 9669 provision, 2927 visual inspection, 1034 regular inspection, 74 on-site inspection, 1062 residencies/full-time, 772 written notice, 217 In-person Courses, 1446 on-site inspection, 2095 FD and other recording media, 42 other regulations

Background of Efforts

In the reality that regulations on paper and in-person processes is hindering Japan's digitalization, Japan's economic growth has stagnated compared to other countries in recent years. In addition, labor shortages have become prominent in various industries such as declining birthrate and aging population. In order to solve these problems and Japan will play a true digitalization, it is necessary to wipe out regulations on paper and in-person processes.

Future development (planned)

  • Implementation of a review of 2500 regulations on paper and in-person processes, including notifications and circulars that specify provision, by the end of 2023
  • Age of AI's Public and Private Sector data maintenance and Institutional Response Fiscal 2023
  • Acceleration of "private sector" in the field of administration and digital completion
  • Building a foundation for national and local digital relationships

Reference: Digital Extraordinary Administrative Advisory Committee Efforts

The Act to Advance Reforms of Digital Regulations

Digital Has Become Commonplace
We will promote the law Amendment on regulations on paper and in-person processes for the effective use of digital technologies.

Annual Results and Progress

Establishment of The Act to Advance Reforms of Digital Regulations Promulgated on June 16, 2023
Digital regulatory reform has been legislated as a national basic policy, and regulations related to the process of "law" to check the conformity of the new Digital Legislation Bureau's digital principles and the development of "regulation" to organize the relationship between digital technology and the review of Technology Map have been incorporated. In addition, it has been decided to amend the laws related to regulations on paper and in-person processes in order to enhance convenience, such as making it possible to view on the Internet paper documents, etc. posted at business offices, etc. that indicate that they have obtained permission, etc.

Image of promoting the revision of law related to regulations on paper and in-person processes for the effective use of digital technology. Along with the

Background of Efforts

This is part of the efforts to promote a review of Digital Extraordinary Administrative Advisory Committee toward the effective use of digital technology that have been made since the establishment of regulations on paper and in-person processes.

Future development (planned)

  • Implementation and enhancement of Digital Legislation Bureau processes As needed
  • Announcement and utilization of "Technology Map" Scheduled to be announced after September 2023
  • Within one year after the promulgation of digitalization for posting of signs, usage fees, etc.
  • Digitalization in service of documents by publication Within three years of promulgation


Semi-public sector (medical and long-term care)

Providing more optimal medical care and welfare in information linkages
We will promote medical DX with the aim of providing medical care and welfare in line with personal needs.

Annual Results and Progress

Promote various initiatives with the aim of realizing medical DX at an early date
With the aim of realizing medical DX as soon as possible, we are advancing various efforts based on the "schedule for the medical DX promotion" in cooperation with related ministries and agencies including Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. Specifically, we are working on demonstration projects related to information linkages using My Number Card related to publicly funded medical care, publicly funded medical care, vaccinations, Maternal and Child Health, etc.

An image of providing the best medical care and welfare for information linkages. Before the initiative, it is necessary to bring a paper recipient certificate, which causes the trouble of information registration and the risk of misregistration. After the initiative, it is not necessary to bring a paper recipient certificate, which can reduce the trouble of information registration and the risk of misregistration.

Background of Efforts

While promoting the integration of My Number Card and health insurance card, we have received many opinions that it would be more convenient if dependents's claimant certificate for medical care expenses, etc., in vaccinations were integrated with My Number Card, and that we would like to digitize the documents of medical examinations and medical questionnaires, maternity and infant checkups, and for infant health examinations. We aim to build a system for information linkages that realizes these opinions. publicly funded medical care

Future development (planned)

  • Prior to nationwide deployment, information linkages initiatives using publicly funded medical care and local independent publicly funded medical care, vaccinations, Maternal and Child Health, etc. will be implemented in desired local government by the end of fiscal 2023. My Number Card
  • In FY 2024 and beyond, based on the status of system improvement and standardization of the local government system, we will gradually expand the target local government and medical institutions and expand nationwide.

* We will promote various efforts based on Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in cooperation with relevant ministries and agencies, including schedule for the medical DX promotion, including the efforts mentioned above.


Semi-public sector (education)

Learn to be yourself, anytime, anywhere
We will promote the standardization and utilization of education data to realize a education where everyone can learn in their own way.

Annual Results and Progress

Enhanced learning e-portal connectivity
Each dependents can choose a digital lerning material they like according to their interests, strengths, and weaknesses. In addition, with the aim of reducing the workload for teachers and connecting them to Reform of Working Practices, we worked with Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) to implement learning e-portal, which is a learning window, and demonstration projects, which seamlessly connects various learning applications and school affairs support systems. As a result, we have strengthened the connection function of learning e-portal.

Figure of Roadmap to the Utilization of Data in Education. In fiscal 2023,

Background of Efforts

Digital Agency, together with the relevant ministries and agencies, formulated "Roadmap to the Utilization of Data in Education." In order to create "a transformation to a learner-centered ICT and an environment in which faculty and staff can face dependents by fully utilizing education," which is the main scope of the roadmap, it is necessary to ensure interoperability of software by linking education data through standards.

Future development (planned)

  • Consider an Architecture for education Data Interoperability Up to twenty twenty-five
  • Demonstration for the realization of educational data connection


Semi-public sector (dependents)

Bringing dependents to the Heart of Society
We will promote dependents to realize a society in which all safty and security can live in information linkages.

Annual Results and Progress

Revision of guidelines in anticipation of the establishment of Children and Families Agency
In order to discover dependents and homes that potentially need support, and to provide validation when performing proactive support, as well as validation Issue in terms of systems and operations, we implemented demonstration projects according to use cases in data connections, and revised demonstration project guidelines announced in April 2022. Further implementation of demonstration projects for the purpose of updating the guidelines was linked to Children and Families Agency established in April 2023.

An image diagram of early detection of a public authorities in a difficult situation and connecting it to support by linking the data of each dependents and department. Before the initiative, each public authorities and department had approached individually until now. After the initiative, a system can be built in which detailed support is provided by the information linkages.

Background of Efforts

In dependents, including poverty and abuse, which are in a difficult situation, it is difficult to grasp the actual situation and provide support. In order to actively provide support, it is necessary to consider the cooperation of information on dependents.

Future development (planned)

  • Transferred operations to Children and Families Agency, which was established in April 2023
  • Continuously implement cooperation and collaboration for further deepening of the Guidelines for validation by Children and Families Agency, etc.


Semi-public sector (disaster risk management)

Using digital technology in all areas of disaster risk management
We will build a foundation to link necessary data so that all people can receive appropriate support in the event of a disaster.

Annual Results and Progress

Development of systems, etc. for promoting disaster risk management Apps development and utilization for resident support
In order to promote the use of excellent applications and services in the disaster risk management field development in private sector, "Disaster Risk Management DX Service Map and Disaster Risk Management DX Service Catalog (first edition)" was released.
In addition, at the request of Digital Agency, "Disaster Risk Management DX Public-Private Co-Creation Council" was launched by a total of 357 members of the council (as of the end of August 2023), including private business and local governments, and discussions toward the realization of disaster risk management DX have begun.

Disaster Risk Management DX Service Map and Disaster Risk Management DX Service Catalog (first edition) is open to the public. As of August 22, 2023, there were a total of 141 registered services. In normal times, there were nine in disaster risk management studies and five in disaster risks. In times of emergency, there were 26 in notification, nine in disaster prediction, and 26 in measurement and information collection. In emergency response (+ 72 hours), there were 13 in evacuation life support and three in material assistance. In recovery and reconstruction, there were 10 in assistance for recovery. In emergency response (+ 72 hours) and recovery and reconstruction, there were 31 in damage information collection and sharing. In times of emergency, emergency response (+ 72 hours) and recovery and reconstruction, there were nine in Operation of Disaster Response Headquarters.

Background of Efforts

It is required to provide detailed support according to the situation of each resident through local governments, etc., so that normal times and residents can thoroughly prepare for disasters from disaster risk management Apps and take actions to protect their lives in the event of disasters.

Future development (planned)

  • Implement initiatives to realize Disaster Risk Management DX Public-Private Co-Creation Council DX in cooperation with disaster risk management
  • Creation of local governments and consideration of future cooperation and utilization with digital marketplaces in order to enable smooth procurement of excellent services by model specification, etc. By the end of fiscal 2023
  • Implementation of demonstration experiments to support residents in the event of disasters using My Number Card during fiscal 2023
  • Study construction of data connections infrastructure. twenty twenty-five is scheduled to start around 2026 from 2023.


Semi-public sector (mobility)

Toward the Realization of a New Digital Transportation Society
We will solve mobility problems and improve people's lives with new Issue services using digital technology.

Annual Results and Progress

Started formulation of "Mobility Roadmap" for social implementation such as automated driving
In order to provide various services such as automated driving vehicles, robot, and drones, Council for the Promotion of a Digital Society has established the mobility Working Group. This group will work on operation management and construction of a business system tailored to the actual conditions of area in order to enhance the sustainability of services. To be specific, we will start to discuss the sharing of spatial information as cooperative areas, the ideal way of control, and the sharing of social responsibilities.

An image diagram showing the fields of mobility policies across ministries. In the fields of vehicles, robots, and drones, competitive areas will encourage the emergence of social impacts and new investments and demands by promoting social implementation. cooperative areas will expand it nationwide through the National Comprehensive Development Plan for Digital Lifeline. public role will restart the roadmap in relevant ministries and agencies and demonstration of robot cooperative control.

Background of Efforts

Through "Public-Private ITS Concept and Roadmap," which was published until 2021, the basic technology necessary to provide services using automated driving and the minimum system to realize it had already been completed, and it was necessary to examine a new direction of efforts in the mobility field for travel demand to realize sustainable mobility services.

Future development (planned)

  • Start of mobility WG around autumn 2023
  • Mobility Roadmap 2024 established in FY 2023


Semi-public sector (B2B transactions)

Data connections StreamLines Corporate Activities
We support the growth of companies by realizing data connections with a variety of partners in financial sector, etc.

Annual Results and Progress

Promotion of digitalization throughout B2B transactions, from ordering to billing and settlement
We held "Business-to-Business Transaction Future Vision Study Group" to realize a future image that will lead to the resolution of social Issue and the development of industry by using transaction data between companies, and to draw a mechanism (architecture) in which multiple different related information processing systems work together. In addition, we made efforts by related businesses to ensure data interoperability with digital completion in B2B transactions through the use of Zengin EDI (a financial electronic data interchange system established by the Japanese Bankers Association) and Financial GIF (Government Interoperability Framework).

Image diagram of the number of cases created in Business use cases and an example of

Background of Efforts

In order for Japanese companies, including SMEs, to lead the innovation of services and manufacturing that is advancing around the world, a digitalization of transactions that can make proposals and receive orders from a variety of parties, not limited to keiretsu, is essential. By digitalization the entire transactions between companies, from ordering and receiving to billing and settlement, and enabling data connections according to architecture, we will strengthen and optimize the entire global supply chain. By doing so, we will support the growth of SMEs and venture companies and build a sustainable society.

Future development (planned)

  • Formulation and Publication of Financial GIF During fiscal 2023
  • Introduction plan for public demand in fiscal 2023
  • Development and Demonstration of Industrial data connections Infrastructure 2023 to 2025
  • Improvement and expansion of financial GIF Demonstration from 2024 to twenty twenty-five
  • Created by use cases, role model development Around twenty twenty-five from 2024


Semi-public sector (Peppol e-invoice)

Streamline back-office operations in digital completion
We will promote new growth in efficiency and improvements in productivity of business operators' back-office operations by utilizing Peppol e-invoice.

Annual Results and Progress

Contributing to a New international standardized global specification for Invoices
We actively contributed to the development of a new international standard, PINT, conducted by OpenPeppol, which manages Peppol e-invoices. In July 2023, we officially released PINT. Based on PINT, we developed and released , a standard for Japanese invoices. At the G7 Digital Technology Exhibition (Takasaki), we exhibited our own booth in Peppol e-invoice to widely publicize Japanese contributions both in Japan and overseas.

Peppol logo.

Work with OpenPeppol experts to develop PINT

Published specifications of ""

Photo of the exhibition booth at the G7 Digital Technology Exhibition (Takasaki).
Exhibition booth at the G7 Digital Technology Expo (Takasaki)

Background of Efforts

It is important to be able to enjoy the benefits of new added values and growth by utilizing not only efficiency and improvements in productivity through digitalization of business operators' back office operations but also Peppol e-invoice.

Future development (planned)

  • Deployment of PINT and development of environments in other countries so that domestic system and service vendors can actively advance into overseas markets in response to PINT


Visit Japan Web

Make immigration inspections Online Smooth
We provide online services available for immigration and customs declarations procedures.

Annual Results and Progress

Response to changes in in border policies and unification of immigration inspections
In line with the changes in in border policies based on the situation in COVID-19 pandemic, we have been working to quickly improve the service in cooperation with related organizations such as Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Immigration Bureau, and Ministry of Finance. In addition to the Visit Japan Web digital service, we have also worked to communicate information to users in cooperation with on-site operations. As a result, we have become a service that can be used by many people.
Through this initiative, in order to improve convenience and ease of understanding for users, we have consolidated multiple services and applications into Visit Japan Web. In addition, we are also improving services by changing UI / UX based on inquiries and opinions received.

Number of account registrants: approximately 11 million (as of the end of July 2023)

Background of Efforts

Regarding a series of procedures for entry into the country (quarantines, immigration, customs declarations), from the viewpoint of efficiently implementing in border policies and improving the convenience of users, it was necessary to further promote digitalization through the use of smartphone, etc. In addition, it was necessary to renovate the service due to the change of in border policies accompanying COVID-19 pandemic.

Future development (planned)

  • Addition and improvement of functions, including UI/UX changes reflecting user opinions

Reference: Visit Japan Web Service