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Provision of services that are friendly to consumers, businesses, and employees

Digital Agency provides services that are friendly to consumers, businesses, and employees.

Promotion of My Number Card

Quick and convenient service for each person
My Number Card now accounts for more than 70%

Annual Results and Progress

Steady growth in public office free processing and card-based services
The ownership ratio of My Number Card has become about 70%. Main procedures such as move-out notifications / move-in appointments, passport application, child care / nursing care can be performed online, and My Number Card can be used as a health insurance card. My Number Card can be used at various public service such as library, One-Stop Counter, and community currency/points.

Total number of applications (valid applications), My Number Card: 97,810,748 cases, Total number of issued cases: 94,853,212 cases, percentage of applications to population: 78.0% Spread of My Number Card: As of August 31, 2021, Total number of valid applications: 51.13 million cases, Total number of Issue applications: 47.57 million cases, As of August 31, 2022, Total number of Issue applications: 59.66 million cases, As of July 31, 2023, Total number of valid applications: 97.6 million cases, Total number of Issue applications: 94.11 million cases, Number of owned cases: 89.04 million cases 64.06 million

Background of Efforts

My Number Card makes it possible to confirm the identity of people safely, securely, and speedily, both in person and online. As a foundation for the spread of Concept of Online Service for Government Offices, we are working on "①My Number Card utilization plan," where various administrative procedures can be performed from smartphone without going to public office and notifications of the person's specifications can be delivered, and "Tokyo," where various public service can be enjoyed with one My Number Card.

Future development (planned)

  • Continuous improvement of UX in move-out notifications, move-in appointments and passport application
  • Expanding Online Applications for Municipal Procedures
  • Development of Usage Environments Necessary for health insurance card Use in My Number Card
  • Promotion of integration with driver's license card, residence cards, patient registration card, publicly funded medical care ticket, etc.
  • Promote the creation of examples of My Number Card utilization in local government by utilizing subsidy for the Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation

Reference: online application, e-Gov,
My Number (Individual Number) System ・ My Number Card

My Number Card utilization

My Number Card that can be used conveniently in daily life
We will promote cooperation with My Number Card that utilizes private business functions and increase convenient services that can be used in daily life.

Annual Results and Progress

The number of private sector users in My Number Card has increased to about 460. The number of users and the use of new industries and services have expanded.
The number of private business companies using My Number Card has increased to 465. The E-Certificate fee in private business has been free of charge for three years since 2023. In addition, with the start of a service to provide the latest address information, etc., private business can be obtained from J-LIS. We have prepared the use environment. We have started a service equipped with electronic certification for smartphones, and you can receive various My Number Card services in biometric authentication without carrying My Number Card. (Started from Android devices)

Graph of number of private businesses using the Japanese Public Key Infrastructure: 129 companies at the end of August 2021, 160 companies at the end of August 2022, and 465 companies at the end of July 2023. Graph of the number of effective E-Certificate (E-Certificate for signature) in private business: 293 at the end of August 2021 and 1174 at the end of August 2022. validation

Background of Efforts

The My Number Card can be used not only by the government but also by private business, including Japanese Public Key Infrastructure (JPKI) using the E-Certificate. By using the private business, it is possible to confirm the identity of customers safely, reliably, and speedily. Under the banner of "Vision of Safe and Convenient Online Transactions," we are working to expand the use of the My Number Card in various private service and situations.

Future development (planned)

  • Dissemination of information on the benefits of use, procedures, use cases, etc., and expansion of use such as consultation, etc.
  • Creation of utilization in various fields such as the entertainment field
  • Electronic certification for smartphones has made it possible to use Various Certificates as a Issue or health insurance card at convenience stores. We are promoting various services.
  • Study of implementation of electronic certification for smartphones service for iOS devices

Reference: online application, e-Gov,


Mynaportal Evolving to Keep Pace with Users
Online application for moving and passport application Online We will continuously improve the interface.

Annual Results and Progress

New Mynaportal (beta) Launched With More New Features, More Than 3.6 Times More Registered Users
We released a demonstration alpha version in December 2022 and a demonstration beta version in August 2023 to make the procedure easier and easier for users. We will continue to improve our services from the users' perspective by taking advantage of quick survey function, which takes in users' voices. We released new functions such as search for medical record, a moving online service, and a passport application function. The number of registered users in Mynaportal was approximately 64.1 million (as of July 31, 2023), an increase of more than 3.6 times from the previous year.

Graph of the number of registered users of main functions of Mynaportal, search for medical record, cooperation functions of tax withholding slips such as public pensions, development procedure online service, passport online application function, etc. during the past year. 17.5 million as of the end of July 2022 and 64.1 million as of the end of July 2023

Background of Efforts

As society becomes more and more diverse, there is a need for a system that allows people to easily receive various public office at smartphone on holidays, at night, or from a remote location without having to go to a public service counter.

Future development (planned)

  • Phased release of the new Mynaportal demonstration beta version by the end of fiscal 2023
  • Sequential release of new features
  • Tax withholding slips's automatic input function for employment income January 2023
  • Notification to public benefit recipients and online application function Until the end of 2023
  • National certification's on-line application function Fiscal 2024
  • Letters of resignation Acquisition Functions Fiscal 2024
  • Family registry information linkages Function / family registry Furigana Application Function Fiscal 2024
  • New application function for passports Fiscal year 2024
  • Expansion of private service using APIs for Mynaportal

Reference: online application, e-Gov,

Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation

Toward a Rich area with Charm and Convenience
We will create a new attractive area with the convenience of digitalization by utilizing the individuality of area.

Annual Results and Progress

Published a catalogue of services and systems that support digital implementation good practices
In order to further promote digital implementation in local areas, local government has worked with related ministries and agencies to create and publish a catalog (first edition) of services and systems that support good practices in digital Digital Agency in key fields such as medical, health and childcare, public transportation, and administrative contact points so that implementation can quickly and easily search and obtain services and systems.

List of target fields of the catalog of services and systems that support good practices in digital implementation. service desk DX field

Background of Efforts

Through cross-sectoral support by subsidy for the Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation, digital implementation in local areas is steadily expanding. In order to further accelerate this trend, it is necessary to streamline the services and systems that support the good practices of digital implementation that should be prioritized, and then proceed with horizontal deployment effectively and efficiently.

Future development (planned)

  • Revision of' Comprehensive Strategy for the Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation'
  • Creation and publication of a procurement that summarizes standard requirements and functions required at the time of model specification
  • Creation and publication of a catalog (second edition) with expanded content and target fields

Reference: online application, e-Gov, Digital implementation (1st edition)

New authentication App

Online Identity Verification with safty and security
We provide a country certified personal identification service that is available in both public service and private service.

Annual Results and Progress

Started development in digital authentication and signature App to promote the use of My Number Card
We have started to consolidate the authentication and signing functions that had been implementation in various public service and to development digital authentication and signature App to promote the use of electronic certification for smartphones. This app uses the industry standard OpenID Connect. We will disclose the API and promote the use of My Number Card not only in public authorities but also in private sector through the public and private sectors.

Screenshot of each company's service and authentication App's smartphone screen. 1.  Each company's service requests an electronic signature from authentication App. 2.  authentication App responds to each company's service that it has been authenticated.

Background of Efforts

With the digitalization of various services, non-face-to-face authentication and signing methods are required in various situations. On the other hand, the acquisition rate of My Number Card is more than 70%, and it has become the most popular public identification document with a face photo at present. Although authentication and signing using My Number Card has been implementation in various forms, the infrastructure of Public Personal Authentication suitable for the mobile age has not been developed, such as the API specifications being basically closed to the public.

Future development (planned)

  • Digital authentication and signature App releases scheduled for FY 2024
  • Release of development site and publication of API specifications
  • We plan to offer a demonstration version in digital authentication and signature App with a limited number of operators.

Promotion of system standardization for local local government

Efficiency administrative operation for Quality Service
By standardizing the core business systems of the local local government, we aim at the business efficiency of the local local government and the convenience of the resident service.

Annual Results and Progress

Revision of standard specifications for office work subject to standardization and establishment of a local government support system for a local transition for standardization
At the end of March 2023, the standard specifications of the core business systems in the local local government were revised. In response, in May 2023, Digital Agency established "Standardization Liaison" to support the local local government regarding the standardized transition. During the transition support period until March 2026, we will work on support, including technical aspects, while confirming the progress of standardization and Issue.

Image of the local government support system for the local transition for standardization. Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications will be the contact point with local government, and Digital Agency will provide technical support to the local local government. Build a face-to-face relationship by conducting individual hearings, etc., as necessary.

Background of Efforts

Various systems related to the core business of a local local government, such as resident records, have been individually changed and expanded in function. For this reason, there was a Issue where the burden of maintenance, management, and modification was large, and in addition, it was difficult to make use of the cloud for each system. If system standardization is realized in a local local government, the burden of system modification, which was performed each time the national system was revised, will be reduced, and the reduced cost can be used for human resources and digitalization.

Future development (planned)

  • Aim to transition core business systems in local local government to standard compliance system using Government Cloud by the end of March 2026

Reference: online application, e-Gov,

New infrastructure to support convenient online procedures
We will develop an infrastructure that can link administrative data quickly and at low cost, and support the realization of online services that are easy for both users and administrative staff.

Annual Results and Progress

Promote technical studies for the operation of the data sharing platform
At data sharing platform (the base of information linkages), the implementation target is middle twenty twenty-five, and technical studies are underway for the design and development processes in fiscal 2024.

  1. Regarding cooperation between public authorities based on My Number System, we will convert the current infrastructure into a new method, such as providing common functions to each ministries and agencies.
  2. We will develop modules (information utilization functions in each local government) to realize highly convenient services with a minimum of system support by using resident information held by each local government.

Image of infrastructure development in data sharing platform. Before the initiative, similar costs were incurred in each public authorities (if each public authorities development the system separately, development costs will also be incurred separately). After the initiative, the system will be provided as a common function to reduce unnecessary costs for the entire country (the functions necessary for information linkages will be provided as common functions for each public authorities. System development will be possible at the optimum cost for the entire country).

Background of Efforts

It is important to aim to realize the further improvement of the service experience for residents and the reduction of the efficiency and burden of the work of local government employees in a way that can reduce costs across the country. In order to realize faster and lower costs in terms of data utilization, such as completing procedures with a minimum of input by displaying application information in advance at the time of online procedures and reducing attached documents, we will renovate the foundation for utilizing and cooperating with data held by the government.

Future development (planned)

We are considering releasing data sharing platform by around January 2026.

  • Ministries and agencies, etc., which will newly start information linkages based on My Number System, will cooperate using common functions.
  • The information utilization function in the local government is utilized at the discretion of the local government.

Reference: online application, e-Gov,

Data maintenance

So that everyone has access to clean data
We will improve corporate and real estate data, which will be the common infrastructure of digital society, so that it can be used effectively.

Annual Results and Progress

Promote the development of a data infrastructure to expand data utilization
By information linkages corporate and real estate information between public authorities, it is possible to omit notification pertaining to changes in common information, which leads to a reduction in the administrative burden on both the applicant and the examiner. To this end, we have started to examine the necessary services, systems, and systems (development of the base registry). In addition, we have announced the basic concept of digitalization, such as notification of disposition (Trust). In addition, in cooperation with private sector, we have revised the development template for the introduction of GIF and the open data catalog, and have reviewed recommended datasets and formulated the local government standard open data set.

Image of the development of a corporate base registry. Image of the development of a real estate base registry. Institutional measures to make it possible to omit inter-agency information linkages and change procedures (to be concluded by the end of 2023). Prompt provision of overall design and transition period in anticipation of the renewal of the core system (formulation of a schedule by the end of 2023).

Background of Efforts

In order to realize the vision of Society5.0, which is the image of the future society to be aimed at, it is required to organize the framework of the entire administrative data so as to maximize the value for the people. In doing so, it is also important to promote information linkages beyond simplifying administrative operation and procedures by improving the quality of administrative data and facilitating EBPM between systems. From this perspective, it is necessary to promote the development of the base registry and to build a mechanism to simplify administrative operation and procedures by actually referring to the base registry between systems.

Future development (planned)

  • Development of base registry for address from pilot to full-scale operation twenty twenty-five
  • Promoting base registry for companies from the perspective of one of-a-kind services
  • Expand the use of My public service Navi within the government by expanding the accuracy of information on local government
  • Expanded the use of GIF in education, disaster risk management, smart cities, etc., and made the introduction procedure into a guidebook

Reference: online application, e-Gov,

Amended Number Act

Using My Number to Improve Convenience for Citizens and efficiency Administrative Operations
Act on the Use of Numbers (My Number) to Identify Specific Individuals in Administrative Procedures

Annual Results and Progress

The Act to Partially Amend the My Number Act * was promulgated.
We have expanded the scope of use of the My Number and reviewed the regulations related to information linkages, and made it possible to omit the attached documents necessary for various administrative procedures and to quickly start information linkages between public authorities. We have expanded the options for applying for and acquiring My Number Card, such as making it possible to accept applications for Issue for My Number Card at post offices, etc., and have developed regulations for the integration of My Number Card and health insurance card so that people who visit medical institutions and other places can receive insurance medical care smoothly.
*Act for Partial Revision of the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify Specific Individuals in Administrative Procedures (Act No. 48 of 2023)

Outline of the Act to Partially Amend the My Number Act. Enforcement date: The date specified by a Cabinet Order within one year and three months from the date of promulgation (excluding some dates) 1.  Expansion of the scope of use of the My Number. 2.  Review of the provisions concerning the use of the My Number and information linkages. 3.  Integration of My Number Card and health insurance card. 4.  Promotion of the spread and use of My Number Card. 5.  Addition of

Background of Efforts

The purpose was to take various measures to promote the use of My Number and My Number Card, which are the foundation of digital society, to improve convenience for the people and efficiency of administrative operations.

Future development (planned)

  • Expand the scope of use of My Number and develop regulations related to information linkages in preparation for the enforcement of the revised Act
  • Review the operations of individual systems, etc. with the ministries and agencies responsible for each system, and promote the use and information linkages of My Number

Reference: online application, e-Gov,

Public fund receiving account

So that they can receive public benefits quickly and reliably
Smooth receipt of various benefit such as pensions and child allowances by utilizing public fund receiving account

Annual Results and Progress

Promotion of Registration of public money receiving account and use, realization of prompt payment through specified public benefits
The number of Registration of public money receiving account increased by about 48 million from August 2022 to about 57 million as of the end of July 2023. This public fund receiving account can be used to receive 161 types of benefit, etc. based on individual laws. In addition, the Specified Public Benefits Program, which is designated as benefit, etc. in emergencies not based on individual laws, has designated 1,533 benefits. The number of local government (prefectures and municipalities) for which benefit, etc. were provided using the public fund receiving account as of the end of July 2023 was 1,260 local government out of a total of 1,788. local government

Registration of public money receiving account: Cumulative total of 57,704,340 registrations, 60.9%. registration status of Bank Accounts to Receiving Public Benefits Graph: 8.76 million registrations as of August 1, 2022, 57.08 million registrations as of July 31, 2023

Background of Efforts

In Digital Agency, we are promoting efficiency and use from the viewpoint of Registration of public money receiving account of benefit procedures and benefit administration. We are also promoting the use of the Specified Public Benefit System, which enables rapid benefit payment in the event of an emergency.

Future development (planned)

  • With regard to the public fund receiving account Registration Program, necessary efforts will be made toward the implementation of the newly created special program for registration via public authorities, etc.
  • Continue to promote the use of specific public benefit systems

Reference: online application, e-Gov, public fund receiving account Registry

JGrants and gBizID

Operator administrative proceduer Goes Online
We will promote online administrative proceduer related to our projects and support improvements in productivity in private business.

Annual Results and Progress

The number of subsidies that can be applied for in jGrants has doubled, and the number of companies using it has increased by about 1.5 times.
Between August 2022 and July 2023, a total of approximately 70000 businesses used the subsidy application system (jGrants). In addition, jGrants was used in 14 ministries and agencies and 41 local government. Regarding the corporate common certification platform (gBizID), the number of Prime accounts issued has exceeded 1 million, and the number of systems cooperating with the national government and local government has expanded to 145.

Cumulative number of subsidies listed in jGrants: 938 in 2022, 1,857 in 2023, plus 919. Cumulative number of users: 160,000 in 2022, 230,000 in 2023, plus 72000. Number of local government used: 41 local government, number of government agency used: 14 organizations. Number of gBizID certified business operators: 790,000 in 2022, 1.01 million in 2023. Number of systems that can be logged in gBizID: 86 in 2022, 145 in 2023. Number of local government used: 79 local government, number of government agency used: 16 organizations.

* Cumulative number of subsidies listed, cumulative number of business operators using the subsidy system, number of local government utilizing the subsidy system and number of government agency utilizing the subsidy system, number of business operators acquiring gBizID, and system with which local government cooperates (as of July 31, 2023)

Background of Efforts

In the past, the public service related to the project was a burden on the business operator because the procedures were complicated, such as requiring individual accounts and applications for each system and scheme.

Future development (planned)

  • Number of jGrants subsidies used: 1,100 (fiscal 2023), 1,560 (fiscal 2024)
  • JGrants UI Revamp twenty twenty-five
  • In fiscal 2023, it became possible to complete online by using gBizID accounts to confirm the representative at the time of issuance of My Number Card.
  • GBizID Member accounts that can issue administrative authority function has been added, and management on a business office basis, etc. has been made possible Fiscal 2023

Reference: online application, e-Gov,


Online application service Gets New Features
The operation of the efficiency function, etc. to improve convenience through the push notifications of administrative procedures has been started.

Annual Results and Progress

Improving convenience by enhancing e-Gov services and realizing efficiency in administrative operation
Regarding "e-Gov Online Application Service," where applications and notifications for administrative procedures can be made on the Internet, we have developed a function to send various notifications to users from each ministries and agencies by push, and a mechanism to electronically perform a series of processes from examination, approval, and document storage after receiving applications, etc., and have gradually started operating them. Currently, e-Gov handles more than 5,000 government administrative procedures and receives more than 25 million online application per year.

The number of administrative procedures that can be processed in e-Gov is 55.79 million. The number of administrative procedures that can be processed in e-Gov is 41.14 million at the end of July 2022 and 55.79 million at the end of July 2023. The number of administrative procedures that can be processed in online application is approximately 25.87 million (an increase of approximately 14% from the previous fiscal year). The number of administrative procedures that can be processed in Hong Kong is 22.69 million at the end of July 2022 and 25.87 million at the end of July 2023.

Background of Efforts

In bringing administrative procedures online, it is important to share a mechanism that allows each ministries and agencies to easily bring a series of processes, such as examination of procedures, online without building their own business system. To enable users to engage in smooth social and economic activities, we have developed a new function in e-Gov.

Future development (planned)

  • Transition in Government Cloud that enables stable operation and flexible resource utilization During fiscal 2023
  • Functional development of local governments in response to online administrative procedures of e-Gov Online Application Service, etc. During fiscal 2023

Reference: online application, e-Gov,

Design system and accessibility

Web services that anyone can access
We published a guidebook and Digital Agency to help create an accessible and user-friendly design system website.

Annual Results and Progress

Web accessibility introduction guidebook and design system are published.
In order to encourage public authorities's websites and applications to be provided in a user-friendly manner to a variety of people, in December 2022, we released the "Web Accessibility Introduction Guidebook", a document in which anyone can learn how to respond to web accessibility based on the latest technological trends. In addition, we released "design system" to provide parts (components, illustrations, icons, templates, etc.) with an accessibility-friendly design, and we are working to improve websites and applications from the user's perspective.

Accessibility implementation guidebook and screenshots from design system.

Background of Efforts

We aim to realize a "digitalization where no one is left behind" where everyone can solve various problems of Issue in daily life and truly feel affluence by enjoying the benefits of digital society regardless of geographical restrictions, age, sex, disability or disease, nationality, economic situation, etc.

Future development (planned)

  • Update the web accessibility introduction guidebook as needed
  • Continuously expand and renew the design system several times a year
  • Libraries, Code Planned

Reference: online application, e-Gov,