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Achievements and Progress: Promoting Growth Strategies by Developing digital infrastructure

In Digital Agency, we will promote growth strategies by developing digital infrastructure.

Semi-public (health, medical care, nursing care)

Providing Optimal Medical Care and Welfare through Information Sharing

We will promote medical DX with the aim of providing medical care and welfare in line with individual needs.
In the process of integrating the My Number Card and the health insurance card, we have received many opinions that it would be more convenient if the claimant certificate for medical care subsidies for children's medical expenses, etc. is integrated with the My Number Card, and that we would like to digitize documents such as vaccination, prenatal checkups, prevaccination screening sheets for infant checkups, and medical interview sheets. We have started a proactive initiative for information coordination to realize these.

Annual Results and Progress

Promote various initiatives aimed at the early realization of medical DX.
Aiming for the early realization of medical digital transformation, we are advancing various initiatives based on the "Roadmap for the Promotion of Medical Digital Transformation" in cooperation with Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and other relevant ministries and agencies.
In concrete terms, the Government is working on projects to be implemented in advance related to publicly funded health care, medical expense subsidies for local governments, vaccinations, maternal and child health, and information coordination using My Number Card concerning nursing care, etc.

Future development (plan)

The government will promote various initiatives based on the roadmap for the promotion of medical DX, in cooperation with relevant ministries and agencies including Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, including the following initiatives.

  • Prior to the nationwide expansion, local governments that wish to do so will take the initiative in sharing information on publicly funded health care, local medical care subsidies, vaccinations, maternal and child health, and nursing care using My Number Card. In particular, in the field of medical care subsidies, five local governments started the project at the end of FY 2023, and 174 local governments already adopted the project in FY 2024. The project is scheduled to start in the fall or later (a total of 177 local governments are scheduled to participate).
  • In the future, based on the status of efforts to improve the system and standardize the local government system, we will gradually expand the target local governments and medical institutions and expand it nationwide.

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Semi-public (education)

Learn to be yourself, from anywhere, anytime, with anyone

We will promote the standardization and utilization of educational data and realize education in which everyone can learn in their own way.
In January 2022, Digital Agency, together with the relevant ministries and agencies, drew up the "Roadmap for Educational Data Utilization." In order to create environments in which ICT-based education can be fully utilized to shift to learner-centered education and where teachers and staff can face children, which is the main scope of the Roadmap, it is necessary to link educational data by standards and ensure interoperability between software. It is also necessary to create environments in which school boards can more actively utilize the digital services in the educational field provided by private sector under their own ingenuity.

Annual Results and Progress

Promoting digitalisation to support the realization of unique learning.
We are promoting Educational DX in order to realize an environment in which each child can learn in his or her own way while adjusting himself or herself based on his or her own interests, interests, strengths, and weaknesses. First, we worked with related ministries and agencies on technology demonstrations of data linkage that connects various digital services in the education field, which is a prerequisite for the use of educational data, and organized and supported the implementation of technical issues of standards such as OneRoster, LTI, and xAPI.
In addition, in order to support the construction of digital learning environments in schools, we published an educational DX service map and held the second edition of the GIGA School Local Government Pitch. In addition, to drastically reduce the burden on teachers and other staff, we conducted research on the digitalisation of high school entrance examination administrative procedures and published a practical model schedule for data linkage.

Future development (plan)

  • Revision of the Roadmap for Educational Data Use and Application (during fiscal 2024)
  • Study of Architecture for cooperation among local governments
  • Demonstration for the realization of data linkage among multiple educational digital services
  • Demonstration of High School Entrance Examination Administrative Procedures for digitalisation

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Semi Public (Mobility)

Toward Realization of a New Digital Transportation Society

We will solve problems with new mobility services using digital technology and improve people's lives.
Through the "Public-Private ITS Concept and Roadmap" published until 2021, the basic technologies required to provide services utilizing autonomous driving, etc. and the minimum institutional arrangements to realize them have already been completed. Therefore, it has become necessary to consider the direction of new initiatives in the mobility field in response to movement demand in order to realize sustainable mobility services.

Annual Results and Progress

The "Mobility Roadmap 2024" was formulated for the social implementation of autonomous driving, etc.
In order to promote the social implementation of new mobility services such as self-driving cars, robots, and drones, the Mobility Working Group was established under the Meeting for the Promotion of a Digital Society, and measures to be taken by each ministry and agency were examined for the purpose of enhancing the sustainability of services, and the direction of efforts was summarized as the "Mobility Roadmap 2024." In addition, the Sub-Working Group for Examining the Ideal of Social Rules for Self-Driving Cars in the AI Era was established under the working group, and efforts necessary to enhance the predictability of legal responsibility judgment, which is an important issue in promoting the social implementation of self-driving cars, were summarized.

Future development (plan)

  • Mobility WG held (after autumn 2024)
  • Mobility Roadmap 2025 formulated (fiscal 2025)

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Digital invoice

Digital Conclusion Streamlines Back Office Operations

We will promote new growth by improving the efficiency and productivity of back-office operations of business operators through the use of digital invoices.
From the user's point of view, it is important not only to improve efficiency by utilizing JP PINT, but also to be able to enjoy new added value.

Annual Results and Progress

Taking the lead in responding to the new international standard "PINT" in each country.
In order to enhance the global operability of JP PINT, Japan's standard specifications for invoices, JBIC encouraged countries to adopt PINT (the new international standard specifications for electronic invoices on which JP PINT is based) at all bilateral and multilateral opportunities.
As a result, not only Asia-Pacific countries such as Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and Malaysia, but also Europe formulated the "PINTO EU," and the efforts of each country to transition to it began.

Future development (plan)

  • As the adoption of "PINT" progresses in various countries, we aim to establish the use of "JP PINT" as a "natural means" not only for claims related to transactions between Japanese companies but also for claims related to transactions between Japanese companies and foreign companies.

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Visit Japan Web

Smooth Immigration Procedures Online

Provide online services that can be used in immigration and customs declaration procedures.
As the number of foreign visitors to Japan increases rapidly, ensuring the stable operation of Visit Japan Web and further streamlining immigration procedures have become urgent issues.

Annual Results and Progress

Stable operation of services and further improvement of user convenience.
Since its launch in December 2021, Visit Japan Web has operated stably and has been widely used by people entering and returning to Japan.
Since January 2024, the two dimensional codes for "immigration examination" and "customs declaration" have been unified based on the "voice" of users, further improving convenience.

Future development (plan)

  • Addition and improvement of functions including UI/UX changes

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Revising analog regulations

Freeing the Digital World ①

We will eliminate analog regulations that hinder the implementation of digital technology and promote the digitalisation of society as a whole from the institutional aspect.
In recent years, Japan's economic growth has stagnated compared to other countries, and labor shortages due to the declining birthrate and aging population in various industries have become noticeable.
One of the reasons for these problems is that analog regulations remain in Japan. In order to solve these problems and to fulfill Japan's role as a digitalisation in the true sense, it is necessary to eliminate analog regulations.

Annual Results and Progress

Initiatives related to the review of laws and ordinances, etc., which establishes analog regulations.
Based on the "Road Map for revising analog regulations in Light of Digital Principles" formulated in December 2022, the review of approximately 6,400 of the approximately 10,000 analog regulations in the national laws and ordinances, which needed to be reviewed, was completed by the end of March 2024. In addition, by the end of March 2024, 32 cross-ministerial technical verification projects were implemented for approximately 460 regulations, and the results of each project were published as a final report, and the information obtained from the results was reflected in the Technology Map and Technology Catalog. Furthermore, in order to confirm the conformity of the new laws and ordinances, etc. with the digital principles, by the extraordinary session of the Diet in the fall of 2023, as a digital legislative review, the provisions that could be related to analog regulations in a total of 93 bills were inspected, and amendments to the provisions and the establishment of necessary subordinate laws and ordinances, etc. were requested to prevent the establishment of new analog regulations. In addition, the "Road Map for Digital Completion of Administrative Procedures" was compiled in December 2023 for the digitalisation of administrative procedures such as applications and notices of disposition, and by the end of March 2024, approximately 700 of the approximately 1,200 procedures subject to digital completion were realized. 4,300

Future development (plan)

  • Analog regulations will be reviewed by June 2024 based on the "Road Map for revising analog regulations in Light of Digital Principles" (the results of the review will be announced by autumn 2024).
  • Enhancing technical information such as technology maps and technology catalogs, and effectively publicizing them
  • For a new laws and ordinances, etc., prevention of the establishment of new provisions imposing analog regulations through digital legal examination to confirm conformity with digital principles
  • Acceleration of "Digital Completion" in the administrative and private sectors

Related Information

Freeing the Digital World ②

In particular, as the population declines rapidly in rural areas, it is important to make the most of digital technology in rural areas from the perspective of eliminating local labor shortages and maintaining and strengthening local social functions in the future, including administrative services closely related to the lives of residents, even within limited human resources. It is important to advance revising analog regulations as a prerequisite for this. Digital Agency will support the efforts of local governments and promote voluntary reviews.

Annual Results and Progress

Promote revising analog regulations in local governments.
In December 2023, the MIC published the "Manual for Checking and Reviewing Analog Regulations in Local Public Entities (Version 2.0)" after conducting research and analysis on issues related to the review of analog regulations in local public entities' ordinance, etc., from the viewpoint of promoting voluntary review by local public entities that provide the most familiar services to residents. In FY 2024, the MIC will further support local public entities that are reviewing analog regulations by creating model ordinance, etc., in Digital Agency that can be used as a reference when actually reviewing analog regulations, in cooperation with local public entities that are taking the lead.

Future development (plan)

  • Conducted research and analyses of prior cases, etc., and prepared a model revising analog regulations plan, etc. in Digital Agency that will serve as a reference for local governments in ordinance
  • Revision of the "Manual for Checking and Reviewing Analog Regulations in Local Governments" to support and promote revising analog regulations in local governments

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Digital Legislation (Integrated Reform of Systems, Operations, and Systems)

Promoting the Trinity of Systems, Operations, and Systems

We will promote reform in an integrated manner by envisioning an ideal state in which systems, operations, and systems are optimized.
As Japan faces a declining population and labor shortages, it is essential to carry out reforms that encompass systems and operations in order to provide a convenient and high-quality experience for both demand-side and supply-side, such as avoiding unnecessary labor, waste, and inconvenience as much as possible. For this reason, the major premise of digital policy is to further thoroughly implement the "Digital Principles for structural reforms," etc., to consider systems, operations, and systems as a whole from the policy planning and drafting stage, and to promote initiatives in an "Trinity" manner by ensuring their consistency.

Annual Results and Progress

We will drastically strengthen the planning and drafting functions to promote reform in an integrated manner.
In the process of formulating new policies and establishing new systems, the Government will strengthen the functions of the Digital Principles Conformity Review Process (Digital Legislation Review) for new laws and ordinances, etc., and ensure the consistency of systems, operations, and systems based on the above "Three Major Premises" through reviews according to each phase, such as the budget request stage and execution stage in government information systems projects, so that consideration can be given to operational design and the development and operation of information systems from the planning and drafting stage. In addition, in the digitalisation of existing systems and operations, the Government will simultaneously reform not only systems but also systems and operations. Every year, the Government will concentrate its resources on priority areas and promote initiatives in the Three Areas in the Digital System Reform Review committee, etc., and steadily increase the number of areas in which the benefits of digitalisation can be felt.

Future development (plan)

  • Implementation and strengthening of the processes of the Digital Legislation Bureau as needed
  • Development of an environment for online bulk application (smartphone 60-second application) for some procedures in the birth and child-rearing fields

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Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation 1

Toward a prosperous region with charm and convenience

We will create attractive new areas with the convenience of digitalisation by making the most of local characteristics.
Through cross-sectoral support by Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation issue Kin, etc., digital implementation in local areas is steadily expanding.
In order to further accelerate this trend, it is necessary to further promote efficient horizontal development through support for service procurement in local governments.

Annual Results and Progress

Revision of the catalog of services / systems that support good practices in digital implementation and development and publication of model specifications.
The catalog was revised based on the results of its introduction in Japan. In addition to the My Number Card services and systems in the first edition, we added services and systems that can be used in areas such as public transportation, medical care, health, and childcare, education, and disaster prevention. Approximately 150 services and systems are listed in the catalog (the second edition was released in December 2023, and the spring 2024 edition in April 2024).
In addition, in December 2023, we created and published model specifications that extract recommended functions, etc., for further horizontal deployment of digital implementation. In the screening of Digita issue Gold (digital implementation type), we gave priority to applications for which model specifications were to be used (additional points). Through this, model specifications were used in approximately 300 local governments, contributing to the acceleration and facilitation of digital implementation.

Future development (plan)

  • Expansion of posting services and systems related to efforts to resolve regional issues
  • Revision of the current catalog site to clarify the purpose and effect of introducing the service / system
  • Revision of the issue Gold Rating System to promote the use of listed services and systems
  • Addition / revision of model specifications based on discussions in the service catalog community of the digitalisation Horizontal Deployment Promotion Council
  • Raising the level of service content through model specifications for the realization of a digital garden city and raising the level of service among municipalities

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Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation ②

Toward "Well-Being" of People

Using the Well-Being Index as a common language, we will draw out the cooperation of various local players involved in community building.
In the past community planning, values were not clearly expressed, and objectives and initiatives were not well coordinated. By using the indicators as a catalyst for communication, it is possible to embody the desired image of the entire region and draw cooperation from various players such as industry, academia, and government, and citizens.

Annual Results and Progress

Well-Being Indicator New site released.
We released a new site in March 2024 to make it easier and more understandable for people who have never used the Well-Being indicator before.
At any time, anyone can check the tools needed to analyze the indicators, including basic data and survey questionnaires.

Future development (plan)

  • Establishment of a facilitator dispatch system to support the holding of workshops utilizing indicators
  • Addition of a function to support the implementation of local government surveys
  • Enhancement of visualization analysis tools
  • Disclosure of a reference logic tree that links problem areas and measures extracted through indicator analysis

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Modernization of the industry

Modernization of all industries related to digitalisation * 1

We will grasp the current situation and issues in each industry and start considering measures to move away from the legacy system * 2 and to modernize it.
By modernizing the entire industry, including both users (demand-side) and vendors (supply-side) related to digitalisation, improving security, redundancy, resiliency, and resiliency, breaking away from the multiple subcontracting structure and raising wages, developing digital human resources, and improving responsiveness, adaptability, and productivity-efficiency of the entire industry, it is expected to become the foundation for the future development and innovation of industries related to digitalisation. Therefore, it is necessary to determine measures to break away from legacy systems and modernize by understanding the current situation and issues in each industry, and implement them, including in public sector.

Annual Results and Progress

Consider establishing a "Council for Elimination of Legacy Systems and System Modernization (tentative name)".
With Information-Technology Promotion Agency, Japan (hereinafter referred to as "IPA") as the secretariat, and with the participation of Digital Agency and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, which are in charge of IPA (also in charge of vendors), as well as the ministries and agencies in charge of the industry, the "Council for Elimination of Legacy Systems and System Modernization (tentative name)" will be established. The council will grasp the current situation of legacy systems and industry-specific and cross-sectoral issues, and consider measures to deal with them. The utilization of cloud and reusable components will play important roles in modernization. Considering that the utilization of government cloud will be the principle for government information systems in the future, it is necessary to avoid the situation where the development of new cloud services stagnates or the situation where it is not possible to select and use cloud service providers that they originally want to use due to the bottleneck caused by the shortage of software engineers and the bias of cloud services that they can handle. For this reason, Digital Agency will cooperate with the relevant ministries and agencies to train and diversify software engineers.

Future development (plan)

  • By June 2025, the current status of legacy systems, issues, and countermeasures will be organized through the "Council for Elimination of Legacy Systems and System Modernization (tentative name)."

Data space

Creation of a standardized system for sharing data while ensuring reliability

Toward the realization of DFFT (Data Free Flow with Trust), we will promote the establishment of a standardized data-sharing mechanism (data-space) that ensures reliability. Data-sharing mechanisms are being established in Europe, the United States, and South-East Asia. In addition, there is a growing need to use data-sharing to understand the supply chain * 3 and value chain * 4 , which extend beyond national borders. For example, from the perspective of decarbonization and circular economy, there is a growing trend toward a standardized data-sharing mechanism (data-space) that ensures reliability and attempts to distribute, share, and use data in the supply chain and value chain in order to understand the use ratio of CFP and recycled materials, etc., in a form linked to certain social regulations.

Annual Results and Progress

Enhancing sustainability through data linkage.
As threats to sustainability are faced not only in Japan but also in other countries around the world, strengthening initiatives may lead to overseas expansion, and it is important to work with a view to strengthening industrial competitiveness. In order to manage the entire supply chain and value chain, we will continue to cooperate with IPA from the perspective of Architecture design and standardization, and with a view to ensuring interoperability with overseas countries, we will build a standardized mechanism (dataspace) in various areas in the Uranos Ecosystem * 5 and other areas that can share data while ensuring reliability.

Future development (plan)

  • Build a data collaboration platform in collaboration with relevant organizations and aim to create use cases for cross-company data collaboration

Related Information


Fast validation of emerging technologies

We will test the use of generative AI in administrative practice and quickly verify the potential of new technologies.
Generation of ChatGPT, etc. With the rapid evolution and spread of AI, there is a growing momentum for the use of AI. While the government as a whole has a policy of promoting AI, the use of AI by the administration must avoid risks such as the leakage of confidential information, and it is necessary to improve the usage environment.

Annual Results and Progress

Study on utilization for policy planning and promotion administration through cooperation with related ministries and agencies.
With regard to the use of generative AI in administration, the NPA is working with relevant ministries and agencies to grasp the actual situation of generative AI through the operation of agreements on business use and the compilation of applications for use from ministries and agencies.
We are developing use cases, such as holding workshops with Cabinet Bureau of Personnel Affairs. In addition, we are responding to the rapid evolution and spread of AI and the issues arising from it through the AI Strategy Council, which consists of experts, and the AI Strategy Team, which is a cooperative system of related ministries and agencies. In addition, we are verifying the business use of generative AI, and disseminating the results not only to central ministries and agencies but also to society at large, and working to promote the use of generative AI.

Future development (plan)

  • Revision of the Consensus on the Business Use of ChatGPT and Other Generative AI (Ver. 2)
  • Cooperation with Relevant Ministries and Agencies
  • Development of use cases and implementation of concept verification
  • Review of Rules for Procurement of Generative AI in Central Ministries and Agencies

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Trust, digital identity wallet

Collection of trust and digital attribute information (digital identity)

In the online distribution and sharing of data, there is a need for an environment that can ensure trust in the parties with whom data is exchanged and their data.
In addition, while various issues associated with the reliance on centralized entities for the management of digital identities have been proposed, methods for managing digital identities for safe and convenient procedures and transactions with minimal information disclosure are also attracting attention. In order to establish these so-called "self-sovereign" management methods, the promotion of new technologies such as verifiable digital certificates (VC) and decentralized identifiers (DID) and international discussions on their technical standards are advancing rapidly. In addition, international discussions are also advancing on mechanisms and applications (digital identity wallets) that can store and present the attributes and credentials of individuals and corporations, which serve as a hub function for information cooperation through individuals.

Annual Results and Progress

Promotion of the formation of rules for international interoperability concerning the collection of digital attribute information (digital identity).
In addition, in order to promote the social implementation of verifiable digital certificates (VC) and decentralized identifiers (DID), relevant ministries and agencies will work together to create advanced use cases in the administration, in cooperation with Japan's mechanisms such as Mynaportal. In light of the fact that mechanisms that can store and present the attributes and credentials of individuals and corporations, as well as applications (digital identity wallets), can be important points in industrial and competition policies in the digital society, we will compile a roadmap for implementation.

Future development (plan)

  • Promotion of international collaboration, including Japan and the EU, including the initiation of studies aimed at demonstrating interoperability of attribute information in business activities and international student exchanges
  • From the viewpoint of ensuring international coordination and interoperability, consider the establishment of domestic systems and trust service standards that encompass electronic signatures and electronic authentication, etc.

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  • * 1: To transform legacy systems to create new values by optimizing them in conformity with the latest technologies, trends and industry standards; to replace old hardware and software with the latest ones; to renew applications, adopt new development and operation methods; to implement the latest security measures; to make improvements to improve the overall efficiency, reliability and performance of the IT infrastructure.
  • * 2: Systems that have problems such as technological obsolescence, system bloat and complexity, and black-box systems, resulting in management and business strategy constraints and high-cost structures.
  • * 3: It refers to the entire process from planning and development of goods and products to procurement of raw materials and parts, production, inventory management, delivery, sales, and consumption (use and use), and is an approach that focuses on the flow of goods.
  • * 4: It refers to the entire process from planning and development of goods and products to procurement of raw materials and parts, production, inventory control, distribution, sales, and consumption (use and use), and is a concept focused on value creation added through each process.
  • * 5: A collective term for public-private collaborative efforts to link multiple information processing systems with different operators and managers and to promote data utilization across companies and industries in order to realize Data Free Flow with Trust (DFFT) (e.g., formulation of specifications and standards necessary for data linkage, development of data linkage systems, development of necessary policies and systems, etc.)